
Showing posts from 2009

sangat penat

They are building the Metro here too. You see the character 门 appearing very often in the middle of the map right. 门 means gate, and Xi’an City is surrounded by the city wall what. I pass the 安远门 everyday into the city. Ayumi got this song called GREEN this year. Damn nice. Of course I prefer M lah, but this MV also very nice. Got the Old Shanghai Feel. =) 光り輝いて凛とした樹々達が 身を隠すように色を消して行く 希望へ繋がる何もかもを遠ざけて 温もりを怖がる私の様に あの人の笑顔がもう 眩しくて優しすぎて 弱さ見せてしまいそうで 泣き出してしまいそうで 触れた指の先から 想いが溢れ出しそうに なったあの瞬間から この恋に気付きました どうして人間は心のままに従い 歩いて行くのが難しいのだろう 本当はきっとずっと 解ってたはずなのにね 現実に目を背けてた 真実を否定してた 見つめるその先には 愛しきあの人の姿 風が変わる頃には この想い伝えようか 触れた指の先から 想いが溢れ出しそうに なったあの瞬間から この恋に気付きました 見つめるその先には 愛しきあの人の姿 風が変わる頃には この想い伝えようか 再び芽吹いた樹々達が色付いたら 今より素直な笑顔見せたい

Love don’t cost a thing

A minister allegedly gave his wife a costly car as a birthday present. The car, so goes the allegation, was sponsored by a company that gained tenders for the ministry’s projects. Both the minister and wife denied any wrongdoing, claiming that the car was theirs. This allegation in some ways indeed reminds one of Jennifer Lopez’s old hit.

Penat Satisfaction

First time shop for things for myself in my entire life. OMG didn’t know it can be so tiring. Kinda worth it though. All guys somemore. Haha. And 有些事情有就有,没有就没有,连我都不着急,你着急个屁?


Did a lot of things these few days. Firstly, sorry Jingxi the pet spider died of thirst and hunger . I shall post his 遗照 here: Damn big right. Sorry lah cannot find enough food and water for him. Thank goodness he survived a week already. Today is my moving-house day. And he died. Never mind I buried him under my bed in the boarding school before I left. Hope it doesn’t freak the aunties or that-guy-who-is-still-left-in-the-room out! Went to Queenstown on Tuesday after my China paper. By the way China paper was a breeze. Answering essay questions like 改革开放改善了中国人民的生活素质. Discuss. 计划生育将阻碍中国经济的持续发展. Discuss. 腐败问题将威胁中国共产党的统治. Discuss. 中国当前贫富差距的主要问题是富人太富,穷人太穷. Discuss. 中国的崛起在多大程度上是对美国的有效制约?Discuss. is way too simple. I can easily crap a 4 foolscap paper long essay in less than an hour. And yes our dear government refused to let us use 稿纸 even though this is a Chinese paper. So you can expect how small and cramped the Chinese characters are written. But yeah overall, I qui...


Watched 海角七号 again le, like 5 times already. Still, everytime I watch got different emotion and everytime I will learn something new. I can’t wait for January to come. Taiwan is more exciting than Christmas to me. 潮 風よ、なぜ泣き聲をつれてやって來る。人を愛して泣く、 嫁いで泣く、子供を生んで泣く。君の幸せな未來図を想像して、涙が出そうになる。でも、僕の涙は潮風に吹かれて、あふれる前に乾いてしまう。涙を出さずに 泣いて、僕は、また老け込んだ。憎らしい風、憎らしい月の光、憎らしい海。晝間は頭がわれそうに痛い。きょうはこい霧がたちこめ、昼の間、僕の視界をさえ きった。でも、いまは星がとてもきれいだ。僕は、星空が見たくなった。うつろやすいこんな夜で、永遠が見たくなったんだ。 美しい思い出は大 事に持ってこようと思ったけど、連れて来れたのはむなしさだけ。七月のはげしい太陽のように、それ以上直視することはできなかった。君はそんなにも、靜か に立っていた。冷靜につとめたこころが一瞬熱くなった。だけど、心の痛みを隠し、心の声をのみ込んだ。僕は、知っている。思慕という低俗の言葉が太陽の下 の影のように、追えば逃げ、逃げれば追われ、一生。君に会い、懺悔するかわりに、こうしなければ、自分を許すことなど少しもできなかった。本当にそうだと 思えるまで、必死に思い込もう。そして、君が永遠に幸せになることを。いまでます。

Boisson au lait et au melon

Just watched A Christmas Carol with KS and Jianda. Haven’t seen them for a LONG LONG TIME, especially Jianda so pathetic go and take China Studies……….. Why must we be so stupid to be stepping stones? The show was so touching towards the end. Well it’s a good ending right? God bless us, and bless everyone! I am gonna watch this movie again, it would be much better in 3D =) Anyone wanna come? Boredom to the max. Life sucks totally now. I HATE THIS. So much better if I were dead, then can play with the ghosts in hell. ARGH it sucks being alone at home now.


Went to Pulau Ubin today. To seek the truth. Or rather to take a break off reality. Anyway it’s good place to relax. Sadly I did not have a bicycle, this enables me to walk around freely, and get lost for quite some time, heh heh. It’s good to take detours lah and go off the beaten track lah, but don’t kaykiang and anyhow walk next time. Didn’t upload pictures yesterday. Forgot. So I went to Yishun to eat with some cute J1s at 9pm. Haha it was Tuesday anyway, so no prob with curfew:     Then yesterday was class outing at Thomson and Orchard with a movie. Fantastic Mr Fox. And today was Pulau Ubin, Home, Tampines, Yishun and Bukit Panjang. Gosh I love my legs. Not for its slimness but for its dexterity. I don’t any common man can tahan walking around for that long. And yay my third Primary Sch has outing. So happy. Haven’t been seeing them for years. Doubt they would forget me anyway. Ciaos.

Srinanaporn Marketing Co. Ltd., Kratumban, Samutsakorn 74130 Thailand

Phew Thailand Snacks can be real spicy. My lips are like 刘文聪's right now. Today is a good day. Enjoy this Fantastic Mr. Fox movie, a stop-motion animated film based on that Roald Dahl’s book: Suddenly I feel like Mr Fox. On one hand he just thinks big and talks and talks. On the other hand he is truthful to his friends. Of course I can’t say I am wholeheartedly truthful to everyone, but I do try my best to do so. Great Indian restaurant today at Thomson Rd. Just happened to pass there last night. Well it’s kinda worth it, but I was really really not full. =( China embassy full of Chinamen. Damn crowded. It’s as if I am in a foreign land. Queue so long just to make a bloody visa to China. Filling in the particulars on the form just make me feel weird. “Country of Birth”---China. “Former Nationality”---China. “Current Nationality”---Singapore. “Country of Embarkation”---Singapore. This is all so weird. A Singaporean who also holds a China passport is applying for a visa t...


Whoa. I am really bored. From JB to NJ to JP to Sembawang to Yishun. Singapore is too sian for me already. I need LIFE. INJECT SOME LIFE INTO ME, PLEASE. Rainy stormy days are over I hope. All I can see now is a cloudless night sky. Beautiful stars, probably trying to show me a path to guide me. Maybe I have been doing the right things, maybe I haven’t. But never mind, I don’t regret them anyway. I have always been enjoying the process. During March this year I was quite sian like now too. I went to explore all sorts of weird parts of Singapore. Yeah my attitude turn out to like shit during that period of time lor, but I really enjoyed THAT TWO WEEKS OF PROCRASTINATION. Best of my life, apart from Taiwan. Actually, apapun yang terjadi, it doesn’t really matter. Pengalaman yang indah. Cukup already. Everyone be sure to book your orders from me by 9th Dec hor. I will be going to Xi’an, Chengdu and Taipei. And maybe some other random cities and provinces around haha. Oh before I for...

Food Food Food

     We love JB food.  Aiman can organise his own JB Shopping Party liao, haha.      Boring Tuesday. Sians.      Where should I go for the next few days? BORING LIFE. SIANS.


Today Chem like shit lah, kanasai. But today happen to be a nice little Curry Wok and Island Creamery day. Thanks to 酸志 and 晓君. Muahahahahaha. Camwhore crap. 晓君 so evil lah go and pluck out other people picture to put your own.... Evil to the max.   Yuanzhi and his face in an attempt to act like Zikai. With his cheeko smile, looking at some hot girls. Tsktsk just like Zikai. Sigh. Yay tmr is JB day. With Aiman. So cool. Yay. Bubblegums on the move.


Yawns. Haven't been mugging. Today happen to see our NJ PE teachers. They were like "what the heck are you doing here in Clarke Quay, you should go back and study. MCQ very important ok!" Come on lah, MCQ nia, tak penting one, anyway exam like shit already, is ok to screw another thing up. I have never believed in miracles anyway. So travelled around half a Singapore once again today, because stupid me mistook 1pm for 11am. Damn. This 珍珠坊 picture is the best picture I have taken in my whole life. Oops the background effect here makes this picture look not so nice, but the clouds and the striking colors of the residential block matches very well. =) Catch the irony, Chinese New Year and Christmas put together. Today there was this Singapore Dragon Boat Regatta. Minister was here to support. Many teams from all over the world came, including NJs, and I think they thrashed quite a lot of people. Anyway they stormed Subway and finished all their bread. ...

Untold. Unseen. Isn’t myself.

BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD. Weird guy at Starbucks today: My life sucks. Really sucks. Too many things that I am unwilling to let go. Burdens crush and kill me.


Whoa. Went out to KFC/Subway/KFC with Runchao and Paul. Yet another day of fastfood. I am so gonna get fat. Yes fatter than meatball sister Emily. OMG. That’s freaking fat. Need to train from tomorrow onwards le. More basketball and squash. The weather just sucks. NJ kids have to go to Hwachong for A Levels. And that pregnant crap in the hall is so noisy today. Making such a big fuss over small things like “noise”. S Phua has to go there and tell her not to scold us just before an exam. If Pregnant Crap does this again during Paper Three I am so gonna tell her off. Physics kinda breezy. but if everyone says it’s easy, it would be quite hard for me to scrape an A or B. Fine. I am slacking around during Physics class anyway. Three days of slacking. Three days of junk food. OMG I AM A COUCH POTATO.


Argh. I heard Econs is hard. Ok lah I don’t take Econs, I don’t know how hard it is lah. But my Econs in Chinese in the morning is freaking tough. Argh I’m screwed. Damn I am stepping stone for other people to rely on liao in order to improve the bell curve. Argh. 幹. Note: McDonald’s everyday for 15 days already. I am becoming fat. ARGH.


Steal the night Kill the lights Feel it under your skin Time is right Keep it tight Cos it's pulling you in Wrap it up Can't stop cos it feels like a overdose Cascada damn nice. So addicted. Can’t stop shaking my head, haha. Heck China exam tmr. Over confidence is okay for tomorrow.

Newfoundland. No Labrador.

Went to JB today. Entered Coffee Bean. Greeted by seductive prices on the menu; every drink here is below RM 8. Not like Starbucks, got some drinks RM14 one. HMPH. African Sunrise tastes SOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!! And so is that Linguine. I dislike vegeterian food, but this linguine superb. Then studied a while, talked some cock with the shopkeeper. He tried to call in a Physics teacher to help me on spot. Haha of course I refused. But see, such friendliness cannot be found in Singapore. At least not in Coffee Bean Singapore. They will just chase you away for mugging and not consuming. Then went McDonald’s. Whoa. Quarter Pounder with Cheese Set Meal Up-sai (my way of pronouncing Up-size). Smiling at me at only RM10. That is S$4+. Damn. My purchasing power is boomsz in Malaysia. It just feels so good to use S$s and spent in RMs. Next time I go JB will be somewhere before Prom bah. Maybe Aiman awak boleh ikut saya lah. Haha saya sudah jadi orang M’sia… I am so gonna get screwed ...

ㄍㄢˋ, once again

Shit my CDs are not at Choa Chu Kang Interchange. They are gone, forever. SHUCKS. At least I didn’t lose my Jolin Tsais. PHEW. But I have yet to find out what I had lost, other than my favorite 海角七号 soundtrack which is damn prominent and is the few pieces of my reminiscence of Taiwan. Pardon my grammar something is wrong here, but this feeling just sucks. WHAT THE FIAK FIAK FIAK. Today GP was ok lah. At least better than f(x)=f(x+4) right. Stupid recurrence shit. Anyway apparently I was caught sleeping in exam today during Paper One by the mighty Sharon. OOH that was bad experience. Saw her once again in the Boarding School, where she demanded her umbrella back. The umbrella she forced me to take last week. And the invigilator, who looks like Mary Lim on drugs, was chanting how neat my handwriting was and how good my secondary school must be at the back of the container class. KAHHAN, BE JEALOUS. RV CANNOT BEAT MARIS STELLA, MUAHAHAHA. Today must have indeed been a very very random ...


My first bet. 背水一战,破釜沉舟吧。成也萧何,败也萧何,两年来的功夫,就有鉴于此了……

Khayalan ini setinggi-tingginya

I don’t know whatever I am doing now is right or not. I should stop letting my heart lead my brains. I know I am full of emotions but I should stop being so because sometimes this leads to disastrous effects. And I truthfully do not know or understand what I truly want or yearn for. I am at such a loss now. Damn. Perhaps it is better being a solitary animal. Or turn gay. ARGH.


Just returned from Ziyi’s place. His room is in a terrible mess. OMG. It’s one of the worst I have seen in my life already. Went to many places today. Refused to study. Did 3 Physics MCQ questions before deciding to go and finish my Taiwanese puppet shows. And 爱 in the evening. Damn Mediacorp cut the show to one hour only. No kick. After went to Clementi West Street 1. On my trail for history. OK lah supposed to go there are retrieve my Physics book, but decided to walk around and see how much stuff have changed for the past 12 years since I left. Nothing much changed. The Senior Citizens’ Corner where those old hags called us 「唐山来的」 while playing chess is still there, with the same scent and the same smiling Buddhas. The playground was still the same. Even the Provision Shops were the same. It’s the people that have changed.   姑婆走了。我迟来了一步。对我们而言,在我们初到新加坡之际,正是这群左邻右舍一直在跟我们串门子,互相帮忙。尤其是姑婆以前很疼我的,经常那些吃的玩的给 我。我外婆每次都跟我说姑婆的生活又多么坎坷,丈夫在她还不到二十岁的时候就被日本人拉去海边作掉了,又要带孩子长大,实属不易。搬来...

I love my world, not just its sights and sounds.

Have been breaking too many hearts. People, just stay away from me. I think I am getting weirder and weirder. I have been getting weirder and weirder dreams, and I think I am really gonna do something silly someday. Perhaps this is too much stress to me. Or perhaps that’s because I listen to too much emo songs at night. Or maybe it’s due to this damn hot weather. I just think I am damn useless. Like I can’t do a simple vectors sum. I can’t complete an AQ. People do not have enough time to finish an exam; I have too much time, because I have nothing to write. Getting 0 percentiles for a subject that I am not good at. And getting another 0% for a subject that I am pretty confident at. 到底是我辜负了世界,还是世界对不起我?Of course this seems nonsensical, 千错万错,当然是自己的错啦。他妈的路是自己选的,要埋怨谁? For my friends, I love/need/admire/care for/concern about/miss you guys very very much. You guys have always been the one and only centre of my world. And you guys take up a much more important role and pos...

sian ah dun wan go maths

“Hi boy, your Sec 3 results doesn’t really seem convincing…. at all. Why do we have to accept you into our course?” “Because I have a very strong interest and it has always been around my life… And I really want to create something entirely new for our nation and communities.” So this kid was accepted into Singapore Polytechnic, School of the Built Environment. But then, his mother made him reject the offer instead, due to various VERY FORESEEN circumstances. So, this dumb kid ended up in a school “prestigious” school known as National Junior College. See, people in SP got LIFE one, ok. Stuck in a school where everybody is mugging and it’s awkward not to mug, what kind of life experience do you expect to gain from this? In ancient China those studious people study so hard just to attend the Imperial Examinations. What is their syllabus? 八股文。Fixed format with fixed content. Just memorise and regurgitate. Of course we do see successful scholars who are useful to the nation, ...

degenerate orbitals.

Saw this post very long time ago on someone’s blog, then posted it on my Chinese blog. Thought this is interesting, so I shall share it here then: 每個人一生中都犯過許多錯誤,就連偉大的領袖也不例外。先总统 蔣公小時後很愛玩,經常翹課跑到學校後面的小溪戲水,母親與老師都對他束手無策。有一天,先总统 蔣公又翹課了。當他站在溪邊尿尿時,突然看見一群小魚向上游。水流是那麼強大,魚兒是那麼弱小,可是小魚奮不顧身地向上游、向上游。這使 蔣公突然覺悟,我們的國家正遭受外人欺負,是該振作起來的時候了,怎麼可以隨地大小便呢?於是 蔣公一肩扛起 國父未完成的革命,拯救中國四萬萬同胞於水深火熱之中。由此可見,錯誤並不可怕,反而是個轉變的契機。 那麼要如何化錯誤為轉機呢?華盛頓曾經砍斷他父親的命跟子,使得他父親氣得想殺他。可是華盛頓很老實地認了錯,撿回狗命一條,後來才能夠帶領美國孃脫離英國佬的蹂躪。如此說來,化錯誤為轉機,靠的就是勇敢囉。李總統說:「知恥近乎勇」,就是這個意思。  國父革命十次,錯誤十次,死掉了很多人。可是人家不心痛,有不屈不撓的決心與毅力。縱使第十一次革命爆發時只有兩把步槍與十一顆子彈,依然創建了中華民國。愛迪生發明電燈時,試驗了上萬次,也錯誤了上萬次。可是人家錢很多,用不完,有不怕失敗的精神與耐性,終於使黑夜也能大放光彩。因此,錯誤雖然不幸,但也是通往成功的必經之路。 自從兔子意外輸給了烏龜以後,感到非常羞愧,於是每天勤練跑步。反觀烏龜相當得意忘形,到處吹噓他是世界上跑得最快的王八。後來第二次龜兔賽跑,當兔子跑完全程時,烏龜只爬了三吋。牛頓被蘋果打到頭而悟出了萬有引力定律,其實在那之前有個名叫毛頓的科學家被椰子打到頭,結果死掉了。所以,一個人從未發生過錯誤是危險的,那反而容易驕傲自大;但錯誤太多、太嚴重也是不行的,否則在轉機之前就先夭折了。 錯誤人人不為樂見,但也在所難免,我們不要害怕錯誤,更別隱瞞錯誤。凡走過的,必留下痕跡,錯誤是隱瞞不了的。反之,我們要珍惜我們所發生過的錯誤,那是金錢所無法購買的寶貴經驗。 自從共匪作亂,錦繡河山豬羊變色,轉眼間已半個世紀了。眼看大陸同胞正遭受塗炭之苦,無法自拔,我們豈能視...


  Wah…… 我们这群安娣就跟它拚了!哈哈哈哈哈哈……有没有搞错啊?Even though you pay the TV license every year, it doesn’t mean that you own Mediacorp ok… I like to watch 意难忘 too but this isn't the right way to put it yeah...? Oh on talking about Aunties, I think I am becoming more and more like one. For the first time in my life I actually spend more than $40 in NTUC. OMG, WHAT AM I BECOMING. Another Dian Feng? Hahaha. No way man. But cheap bargains in NTUC is hard to resist!   English translation. MADE IN CHINA. FABRIQUE EN CHINE . Quite obvious right.

Free and Easy

  Mosque on the left, a straight of shophouses in the middle, a Chinese-style pavilion in the front, and tall flats at the back. HDB must have been really good at planning neighborhoods. This is what I am gonna do in the future, hopefully, after my As. 双十节快乐。

Wah Wah

Totally embarassed by Miss Ling today. OMG OMG OMG. I am definitely not a MUGGER!!! If I were a mugger I think the whole world will be full of Shermans. Physics, is a love-hate thing. I would love to score, but hate to chiong for it. Never mind, I believe I still have enough time. Let Ah Huat’s car bless us through the exams: And FIONA has a very very low Laughing Point, like CARMEN . HAHAHAHAHA, non-stop.
I am such a failure. But never mind. As if I care. Ok lah, actually I do lah. But…. I don’t care. Heh Sent a card to Taiwan, sorry Pearlyn didn’t manage to call everyone because I was so cropped up, but I sent this card in the name of everyone to 教官, so not so bad lah. Next Tuesday is Taiwan’s Teachers’ Day. Surely we need to express our utmost gratitude for their support and assistance during the immersion last year yeah? Today is a very lousy day. A very very very very very very very suey day. Freaking SUEY. Like get caught for not wearing proper uniform, then laptop no battery when about to submit thesis, all sorts of funny nonsense. Then went Changi Village, supposed to see Ah Quah. Obviously at 3.30pm you won’t see any. So went to seaside to bitch around, then talk cock sing song, then try to squeeze through this railing, in which only I can, haha ‘cos limpeh is SLIM. MUAHAHAHA. I LOVE CURRY WOK!!!!! But today not enough people… Only 3…. So we went to this 太子 ...


这一切的一切终于来到了尾声。一个阶段的桎梏的结束,也是另一阶段的束缚的开始。我自己到底还能够撑到何时,其实我自己也雾煞煞,搞不清楚。 假如说当时如果我没有这么执迷不悟,恐怕今天也不会做得这么辛苦吧。这样的topic那么多人做过了,我自己却浑然不知?呵呵,也真是又够愚蠢啊,都搞不清楚状况!我一向来都没有对自己的行为后悔过,我也必须承认在写论文的时候我的资源其实很多,但是如果我知道过程会这么痛苦的话,我宁愿换一个topic。毕竟,人偶尔做一些自己没兴趣的事情,的确会有意想不到的收获与惊喜。 当你面对的问题是你没有办法应付analysis的时候,那种感觉是很逼恻的。写论文不像说故事,可以让人说得天花乱坠,滔滔不绝。Colloquial terms do not work here, at all. 现在心里面可说是无限的无奈、委屈和悲愤。Ok,也许“悲愤”这次太强烈了一点,但是我的华文vocab真的很烂。 无论如何,我现在真的很XXXXXXXXXXX。 幹!


This would really be a dreadful post, I promise you. Do not sympathise me or whatsoever. Responsibility is very important, on both the user and the receiver. Should one end failed to realise anything, the other party should have the courage and integrity and responsibility to point out the mistake, to prevent disastrous end-effects. Even though we Chinese tend to be concerned over “face” issues, it is not very ethical to leave somebody in deep shit and fail to do anything about it. Ok I sound angsty. Shouldn’t have been. Thesis last day. After this I shall indulge myself in worldly desires for weeks. ARGH I can’t take this anymore. It’s so stupid of me to undermine the high intensity of 820138213Wm¯² of Chinese skills in order to take this stupid subject combination. I should just happily take Econs and end up in some mugger class. Then maybe I would have settle down better. Then maybe I would have scored better. Then maybe I would not be struggling so hard now. Then maybe I would be...

Makan angin, Cuci mata.

My room damn nice clean right (haha ignore the clothes at the windows). No choice mah, Mr Sham checking room on Sunday, must last minute clean a bit mah… Ignore that monkey on the right too, he is getting flabbier and flabbier. (On a side note, he went to take a jog right after that, heh) Have been ponning morning assembly. Today is last day of school. Shall go to school later to camwhore a bit. Yesterday went to Starbucks to mug a bit, but I didn’t think it was very very effective because I was damn sleepy. It’s better to stop going morning assembly; just a waste of time. Bagai bintang di surga Dan seluruh warna Dan kasih yang setia Dan cahaya nyata Glad that awak boleh di sini apabila saya perlu. Haha Safa is definitely make a big fuss out of this.

exam over? nah!

I almost kinda forgot that I have Chem Paper 1 tomorrow. And China on Wednesday. With Physics P1 on Thursday. Then I must enjoy my myself for at least week, hehe. This China thesis is killing me. Teachers constantly complain that my thesis lack analysis and looks like a history report. HOW HOW HOW? Deadline: Wednesday . Argh I don’t care. Shall go Jelita for some shopping now. NOW.


  我喜歡妳的眼神 溫柔又危險 請不要戴上眼鏡 我會看不見   Suddenly was thinking of dia. Yes, DIA, awak tahu siapa lah, huh? Michael: Eh today boring day ah… Saya: Ok… So where do you wanna go, Jurong Point? Michael: Hmmm… Nak ke JB? Saya: …… WTF….?! Ok lah, haha. So there we are, at JB. We went shopping, Marrybrowns, Pizza Hut, MPH, Popular… FUN lah. Who says that Prelims are over? MOONCAKES are darned NICE . Especially Snow Skin ones. I love JB. And the Lavender Bakery salesgirl is so cute today!!!! Yet I didn’t camwhore with her!!! What wasted shit… I am so 花痴 lol. Shall try to be a Malaysian in my next incarnation. =)


Went to watch a getai at Tampines just now. Tampines getais are always very crowded. Firstly, Tampines is the largest town in Singapore. Secondly, Tampines has very little getais. Really damn few, considering it’s enormous population. Getais are fun and entertaining, if you understand what they say, that is. More and more young people are appearing on stage nowadays, and they bring new remixes and modern pop and techno and rock songs, for younger ghosts perhaps. I don’t see why some people just go “yee-er” when they see getais. It’s a culture that’s unique to Singapore. Our Muslim friends are having Ramadan and need good rest and aman, yet they can tolerate such loud noises till 10.30pm. And anyway this is YOUR culture, not MINE. Minister George Yeo loves getais and he actually appeared at Hougang getalast night and spoke to the audience in Teochew. Okay lah, maybe he is trying to garner support for PAP, because elections seem to be coming soon. If a “foreigner” like me can apprec...

Ulang kaji? Not quite.

I must go chiong JB after Prelims. So much membeli-belah to do. Just fliiped through my phone… Got a lot of stupid pictures:   Ini Muhammad!!! Caught changing his pants in public!   黄润超先生您也太痴情了吧。 How random I can get. Oh well, apart from buying presents for the HUMONGOUS amount of September babies, now I must treat SOME PEOPLE to a meal already. Oh gosh. How confident can I get with myself. Physics . Should I pon? Today studied quite a bit, thanks to Ziyi, Albert, Vanessa, Eugene and Kok Leong (Get well soon, Kok. Stop AHCHEW-ing throughout the whole canteen—people would think it is ME). It is the encouragements and “forcings” from your friends that push you forward; I just give up (and in) too easily. I don’t know. If I had a choice of course I would rather spend my time learning 台客舞, haha. But responsibility takes great count here, Encik Yang. It is your future at stake. If you do not take steps towards it NOW, you will definitely regret it. I love my friends. And I treasure them mor...