degenerate orbitals.
Saw this post very long time ago on someone’s blog, then posted it on my Chinese blog. Thought this is interesting, so I shall share it here then:
每個人一生中都犯過許多錯誤,就連偉大的領袖也不例外。先总统 蔣公小時後很愛玩,經常翹課跑到學校後面的小溪戲水,母親與老師都對他束手無策。有一天,先总统 蔣公又翹課了。當他站在溪邊尿尿時,突然看見一群小魚向上游。水流是那麼強大,魚兒是那麼弱小,可是小魚奮不顧身地向上游、向上游。這使 蔣公突然覺悟,我們的國家正遭受外人欺負,是該振作起來的時候了,怎麼可以隨地大小便呢?於是 蔣公一肩扛起 國父未完成的革命,拯救中國四萬萬同胞於水深火熱之中。由此可見,錯誤並不可怕,反而是個轉變的契機。
自從共匪作亂,錦繡河山豬羊變色,轉眼間已半個世紀了。眼看大陸同胞正遭受塗炭之苦,無法自拔,我們豈能視而不見!共匪種下的錯誤又深又重,正需要我們努力洗清。讓所有復興基地的同志們起來吧!大家同心協力,反攻大陸,解救同胞於桎梏之中,然後殺朱拔毛,掃除錯誤。讓青天白日滿地紅再次飄揚於萬里河山,以慰 國父、 蔣公在天之靈!斯是功德,昊天罔亟!
Really cheem right, haha. He is trying to say that we must not fear committing mistakes, we must dare to face them and cherish them so that we would gain experience. So in other words we should commit more mistakes during the Maths paper later (in 7 hours time) so that we would not commit them again during A Levels.
Many people are mugging in Oasis these few days. Good to see people getting hardworking; it motivates me somehow. Too bad I slacked too much during these two years le. Okay lah, since everyone is studying much harder than me, you all must get better results than me hor. Or else you’ll recieve 一桶汽油 and 一支火柴 at your doorstep, haha.
Just touched the piano in the Boarding School. So sad that my hand are so stiff already, since the piano exam had ended in August. My mother has decided to put the $9000 piano at someone else’s house, and I will get to see it again till, maybe NS? The piano is in Pasir Ris anyway. But it’s a pity to leave my piano like that. It’s not as if I love my piano that much lah, but just… very 可惜 if I stop piano like this for life. After all, something you picked up for 9 years at least isn't that easy to give up. I used to have taekwondo classes, calligraphy classes, even gymnastic classes haha. But they all didn't stay long, at most a year or two. No wonder I fail sit-and-reach, sigh.
Think I shall go Penang to get Prom clothes lah. Cheaper mah. And I didn’t know that there so many Malaysians in NJ. They just look like one of us, haha.
每個人一生中都犯過許多錯誤,就連偉大的領袖也不例外。先总统 蔣公小時後很愛玩,經常翹課跑到學校後面的小溪戲水,母親與老師都對他束手無策。有一天,先总统 蔣公又翹課了。當他站在溪邊尿尿時,突然看見一群小魚向上游。水流是那麼強大,魚兒是那麼弱小,可是小魚奮不顧身地向上游、向上游。這使 蔣公突然覺悟,我們的國家正遭受外人欺負,是該振作起來的時候了,怎麼可以隨地大小便呢?於是 蔣公一肩扛起 國父未完成的革命,拯救中國四萬萬同胞於水深火熱之中。由此可見,錯誤並不可怕,反而是個轉變的契機。
自從共匪作亂,錦繡河山豬羊變色,轉眼間已半個世紀了。眼看大陸同胞正遭受塗炭之苦,無法自拔,我們豈能視而不見!共匪種下的錯誤又深又重,正需要我們努力洗清。讓所有復興基地的同志們起來吧!大家同心協力,反攻大陸,解救同胞於桎梏之中,然後殺朱拔毛,掃除錯誤。讓青天白日滿地紅再次飄揚於萬里河山,以慰 國父、 蔣公在天之靈!斯是功德,昊天罔亟!
Really cheem right, haha. He is trying to say that we must not fear committing mistakes, we must dare to face them and cherish them so that we would gain experience. So in other words we should commit more mistakes during the Maths paper later (in 7 hours time) so that we would not commit them again during A Levels.
Many people are mugging in Oasis these few days. Good to see people getting hardworking; it motivates me somehow. Too bad I slacked too much during these two years le. Okay lah, since everyone is studying much harder than me, you all must get better results than me hor. Or else you’ll recieve 一桶汽油 and 一支火柴 at your doorstep, haha.
Just touched the piano in the Boarding School. So sad that my hand are so stiff already, since the piano exam had ended in August. My mother has decided to put the $9000 piano at someone else’s house, and I will get to see it again till, maybe NS? The piano is in Pasir Ris anyway. But it’s a pity to leave my piano like that. It’s not as if I love my piano that much lah, but just… very 可惜 if I stop piano like this for life. After all, something you picked up for 9 years at least isn't that easy to give up. I used to have taekwondo classes, calligraphy classes, even gymnastic classes haha. But they all didn't stay long, at most a year or two. No wonder I fail sit-and-reach, sigh.
Think I shall go Penang to get Prom clothes lah. Cheaper mah. And I didn’t know that there so many Malaysians in NJ. They just look like one of us, haha.