
Just returned from Ziyi’s place. His room is in a terrible mess. OMG. It’s one of the worst I have seen in my life already.


Went to many places today. Refused to study. Did 3 Physics MCQ questions before deciding to go and finish my Taiwanese puppet shows. And 爱 in the evening. Damn Mediacorp cut the show to one hour only. No kick.

After went to Clementi West Street 1. On my trail for history. OK lah supposed to go there are retrieve my Physics book, but decided to walk around and see how much stuff have changed for the past 12 years since I left. Nothing much changed. The Senior Citizens’ Corner where those old hags called us 「唐山来的」 while playing chess is still there, with the same scent and the same smiling Buddhas. The playground was still the same. Even the Provision Shops were the same. It’s the people that have changed.


姑婆走了。我迟来了一步。对我们而言,在我们初到新加坡之际,正是这群左邻右舍一直在跟我们串门子,互相帮忙。尤其是姑婆以前很疼我的,经常那些吃的玩的给 我。我外婆每次都跟我说姑婆的生活又多么坎坷,丈夫在她还不到二十岁的时候就被日本人拉去海边作掉了,又要带孩子长大,实属不易。搬来四美后,外婆还经常 去找她,而我每次刚好都有事情,没法去。现在我有这个心想回去看看,结果姑婆上个月却撒手人寰了。

We must always cherish things around us. I have to admit that I am a very 念旧 person. 过去的事情,总是令我难以忘怀。Now I don’t even know how I am going to tell this to my Grandma. Think she would be very very sad. We hid the death of someone from her for almost two years already. Now another one. 人生命运多桀,还是趁有生之年疼惜爱护别人吧。我一直以来都认为人与人之间的情义是种缘份,既然大家有缘相见,自然就应该珍惜这种缘分,做重情重义之人。

Not gonna study tomorrow. Shall go Singapore River to chill.

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