
It’s a freezing day. Saw mist on Bukit Timah. This kind of mountain mist is known as 山岚 in Chinese. I remember when I was at 合歡山 and 太魯閣 I see these stuff everyday. Here in Singapore, it’s really uncommon.

I have always loved Mondays. I end school early, and pon lectures. Virtually there are not much lessons going on lah. Went ot GP consol and learnt some new stuff about this country called Ecuador. And then had this Chemistry test today. I wanna bang my head on the walls because I made a stupidly stupid careless mistake at the last question.

I am gonna resuming the practice of doing newspaper cuttings. I have stopped doing so since Sec 3 because I didn’t have much time, but now I think it is pretty useful to gather information, especially I have two content-based subjects, GP and China Studies.

Argh damn. It’s really really cold. I am gonna cook some Mushroom Chicken Soup later. Then can bring to school and share with everyone. Or every one. Whatever, my GP sucks anyway.

透明的傷口 漂亮的殘忍 藏到土壤裡 

Why is it that I can think properly only when I am away from all the 噪杂 of the world? Why is it that I always impose a different image?

(Oh yeah regarding the title of this passage ah… 海瑞 is this dumbass Muslim official during the Ming Dynasty who dared to impeach the Ming Emperor. Of course the Emepror wanted to sentence him to death lah, but the Emperor died before him, haha. And then during communist era some idiot wanted to impeach Mao, so Mao angry and started the Culural Revolution. Aiyah, when the country is poor, nobody got work, bô thàn-lui, sí-pē-êng mah….)

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