
Showing posts from September, 2009
I am such a failure. But never mind. As if I care. Ok lah, actually I do lah. But…. I don’t care. Heh Sent a card to Taiwan, sorry Pearlyn didn’t manage to call everyone because I was so cropped up, but I sent this card in the name of everyone to 教官, so not so bad lah. Next Tuesday is Taiwan’s Teachers’ Day. Surely we need to express our utmost gratitude for their support and assistance during the immersion last year yeah? Today is a very lousy day. A very very very very very very very suey day. Freaking SUEY. Like get caught for not wearing proper uniform, then laptop no battery when about to submit thesis, all sorts of funny nonsense. Then went Changi Village, supposed to see Ah Quah. Obviously at 3.30pm you won’t see any. So went to seaside to bitch around, then talk cock sing song, then try to squeeze through this railing, in which only I can, haha ‘cos limpeh is SLIM. MUAHAHAHA. I LOVE CURRY WOK!!!!! But today not enough people… Only 3…. So we went to this 太子 ...


这一切的一切终于来到了尾声。一个阶段的桎梏的结束,也是另一阶段的束缚的开始。我自己到底还能够撑到何时,其实我自己也雾煞煞,搞不清楚。 假如说当时如果我没有这么执迷不悟,恐怕今天也不会做得这么辛苦吧。这样的topic那么多人做过了,我自己却浑然不知?呵呵,也真是又够愚蠢啊,都搞不清楚状况!我一向来都没有对自己的行为后悔过,我也必须承认在写论文的时候我的资源其实很多,但是如果我知道过程会这么痛苦的话,我宁愿换一个topic。毕竟,人偶尔做一些自己没兴趣的事情,的确会有意想不到的收获与惊喜。 当你面对的问题是你没有办法应付analysis的时候,那种感觉是很逼恻的。写论文不像说故事,可以让人说得天花乱坠,滔滔不绝。Colloquial terms do not work here, at all. 现在心里面可说是无限的无奈、委屈和悲愤。Ok,也许“悲愤”这次太强烈了一点,但是我的华文vocab真的很烂。 无论如何,我现在真的很XXXXXXXXXXX。 幹!


This would really be a dreadful post, I promise you. Do not sympathise me or whatsoever. Responsibility is very important, on both the user and the receiver. Should one end failed to realise anything, the other party should have the courage and integrity and responsibility to point out the mistake, to prevent disastrous end-effects. Even though we Chinese tend to be concerned over “face” issues, it is not very ethical to leave somebody in deep shit and fail to do anything about it. Ok I sound angsty. Shouldn’t have been. Thesis last day. After this I shall indulge myself in worldly desires for weeks. ARGH I can’t take this anymore. It’s so stupid of me to undermine the high intensity of 820138213Wm¯² of Chinese skills in order to take this stupid subject combination. I should just happily take Econs and end up in some mugger class. Then maybe I would have settle down better. Then maybe I would have scored better. Then maybe I would not be struggling so hard now. Then maybe I would be...

Makan angin, Cuci mata.

My room damn nice clean right (haha ignore the clothes at the windows). No choice mah, Mr Sham checking room on Sunday, must last minute clean a bit mah… Ignore that monkey on the right too, he is getting flabbier and flabbier. (On a side note, he went to take a jog right after that, heh) Have been ponning morning assembly. Today is last day of school. Shall go to school later to camwhore a bit. Yesterday went to Starbucks to mug a bit, but I didn’t think it was very very effective because I was damn sleepy. It’s better to stop going morning assembly; just a waste of time. Bagai bintang di surga Dan seluruh warna Dan kasih yang setia Dan cahaya nyata Glad that awak boleh di sini apabila saya perlu. Haha Safa is definitely make a big fuss out of this.

exam over? nah!

I almost kinda forgot that I have Chem Paper 1 tomorrow. And China on Wednesday. With Physics P1 on Thursday. Then I must enjoy my myself for at least week, hehe. This China thesis is killing me. Teachers constantly complain that my thesis lack analysis and looks like a history report. HOW HOW HOW? Deadline: Wednesday . Argh I don’t care. Shall go Jelita for some shopping now. NOW.


  我喜歡妳的眼神 溫柔又危險 請不要戴上眼鏡 我會看不見   Suddenly was thinking of dia. Yes, DIA, awak tahu siapa lah, huh? Michael: Eh today boring day ah… Saya: Ok… So where do you wanna go, Jurong Point? Michael: Hmmm… Nak ke JB? Saya: …… WTF….?! Ok lah, haha. So there we are, at JB. We went shopping, Marrybrowns, Pizza Hut, MPH, Popular… FUN lah. Who says that Prelims are over? MOONCAKES are darned NICE . Especially Snow Skin ones. I love JB. And the Lavender Bakery salesgirl is so cute today!!!! Yet I didn’t camwhore with her!!! What wasted shit… I am so 花痴 lol. Shall try to be a Malaysian in my next incarnation. =)


Went to watch a getai at Tampines just now. Tampines getais are always very crowded. Firstly, Tampines is the largest town in Singapore. Secondly, Tampines has very little getais. Really damn few, considering it’s enormous population. Getais are fun and entertaining, if you understand what they say, that is. More and more young people are appearing on stage nowadays, and they bring new remixes and modern pop and techno and rock songs, for younger ghosts perhaps. I don’t see why some people just go “yee-er” when they see getais. It’s a culture that’s unique to Singapore. Our Muslim friends are having Ramadan and need good rest and aman, yet they can tolerate such loud noises till 10.30pm. And anyway this is YOUR culture, not MINE. Minister George Yeo loves getais and he actually appeared at Hougang getalast night and spoke to the audience in Teochew. Okay lah, maybe he is trying to garner support for PAP, because elections seem to be coming soon. If a “foreigner” like me can apprec...

Ulang kaji? Not quite.

I must go chiong JB after Prelims. So much membeli-belah to do. Just fliiped through my phone… Got a lot of stupid pictures:   Ini Muhammad!!! Caught changing his pants in public!   黄润超先生您也太痴情了吧。 How random I can get. Oh well, apart from buying presents for the HUMONGOUS amount of September babies, now I must treat SOME PEOPLE to a meal already. Oh gosh. How confident can I get with myself. Physics . Should I pon? Today studied quite a bit, thanks to Ziyi, Albert, Vanessa, Eugene and Kok Leong (Get well soon, Kok. Stop AHCHEW-ing throughout the whole canteen—people would think it is ME). It is the encouragements and “forcings” from your friends that push you forward; I just give up (and in) too easily. I don’t know. If I had a choice of course I would rather spend my time learning 台客舞, haha. But responsibility takes great count here, Encik Yang. It is your future at stake. If you do not take steps towards it NOW, you will definitely regret it. I love my friends. And I treasure them mor...


Okay lah I don’t know whether is my blog lag or because my computer lag leh. But never mind. Anyway this video is about the modernisation of traditions and cultures. Chinese local beliefs have this God called 三太子, which is the 哪吒 boy from this book called 《封神榜》. Then the Taiwanese add techno-pop to the usually boring temple music and made the 三太子 figurines dance with the [in]famous 台客舞. Quite interesting lah. Kids, PENKNIVES ARE DANGEROUS . There are freakin’ load of JH1s (aka Sec 1) in the Boarding School now. Playing catching and making a hell load of noise. Limpehs are having Prelims and Promos. Can you guys just shut up? Tomorrow is Chemistry Paer 3. May I pass.


My idea of TIME is so different from others. Is thirty minutes considered long? Definitely not to me. I have been walking a hell lot since birth. One hour might be long, but definitely not 30min. China shall be celebrating their 60th Anniversary on 1st Oct. On the other hand, the island across the Straits will be “commemorating: their 60th anniversary of retreat. Quoting from this book I just bought two days ago: 因为这些为国家牺牲的失败者退居到台湾来,我们60年来发展出另外一种价值观。这种价值观是远离1949年那种国家至上,集体至上,胜利至上的价值观,它逐渐发展成一种温柔的力量,文明的价值观。那是上一代辛苦培养出来的价值观。 They are gonna celebrate their 100th Anniversary in 2011. I really wonder how they are gonna face this. Exams in two days’ time. Work hard guys! Today is a fun camwhoring day. And also to mug, chionged a lot of Organic Chem. And Fiona's mum's 文东记 Chicken Rice IS DARN NICE .

Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee…. Boom Dynamite!

Curry Woks today again. What’s life without some camwhoring with Eugene Ke? Oily mouths and teeth. And shit, I think I look damn disgusting ‘cos I am disgustingly skinny. I DUN WANT!!!!!! =( =( =( Chen Shui-bian is sentenced to Life Penalty. Better if he dies in prison. He just betrayed his people. This kind of people should go and commit suicide. Just heard some rumors that back in Xi’an also got some mother f-king terrorists that use injection needles to poke innocent civilians. What bastards they are! The government is too tolerant to them already. If I were in control I would have sent tanks and crush everyone in Xinjiang. What on earth is their f-king problem?!?!

Heck lah.

I think my Physics is dead. I think even if I take H1 also die. Oh gosh. Just embarrassed myself yesterday because of X-ray. “Ziyi, Physics got learn X-ray meh?” as I asked. Everyone at the table stared and smiled at me. You get the idea lah, huh. Yesterday went out to eat again. Ok lah, I have been eating out everyday. Really kinda getting broke. Mum’s gonna come back this Sunday. hope she brings fresh cash for me. But then,I really gotta know many new people this week, especially J1s lah, thanks to Ziyi and his Council kawans. Hoho, now I know a lot of deep dark secrets. After that we went to Pepper Lunch at AMK. Well, yeah lah, felt a bit scared of someone. But never mind, that is 过往云烟 already. The most important thing is that ZK got owned. Really got owned. Haha shan’t disclose much, I shall be seeing him in 10 minutes anyway. Pepper lunch quite nice leh. Just a bit ex. But it’s worth it man. DARN NICE . And juts being random, 74 is damn fast. I t...

Physics? Heck.

I think my Physics is dead. I think even if I take H1 also die. Oh gosh. Just embarrassed myself yesterday because of X-ray. “Ziyi, Physics got learn X-ray meh?” as I asked. Everyone at the table stared and smiled at me. You get the idea lah, huh. Yesterday went out to eat again. Ok lah, I have been eating out everyday. Really kinda getting broke. Mum’s gonna come back this Sunday. hope she brings fresh cash for me. But then,I really gotta know many new people this week, especially J1s lah, thanks to Ziyi and his [our] Council kawans. Hoho, now I know a lot of deep dark secrets. After that we went to Pepper Lunch at AMK. Well, yeah lah, felt a bit scared of someone. But never mind, that is 过往云烟 already. The most important thing is that ZK got owned. Really got owned. Haha shan’t disclose much, I shall be seeing him in 10 minutes anyway. Pepper lunch quite nice leh. Just a bit ex. But it’s worth it man. DARN NICE . And juts being random, 74 is damn fast. I took only 20 odd minutes...

Hidupan berharga

Bought this new book by this very famous Taiwan author and culture-expert 龙应台. She is the 2nd generation of the Mainlanders in Taiwan. This is quoted from her: 如果,有人说,他们是战争的“失败者”, 那么,所有被时代践踏、污辱、伤害的人都是。 正是他们,以“失败”教导了我们, 什么才是真正值得追求的价值。   请凝视我的眼睛,诚实的告诉我: 战争,有“胜利者”吗?   我,以身为“失败者”的下一代为荣。 Ok, this picture got no link lah, I just took it when I went to eat at Clementi last week with North. He never been to a FC before!!! Hoho another type of cultural immersion bah. =) Happy Birthday Shanise. I waited like so long can, hehe.

Happiness is Bliss.

Swimming is quite fun. To soothe my spirits, and to understand my TRUE FEELINGS. For You/you/you or you. I wonder who indeed.


This video is a comedy about bribery in Malaysia. Damn funny, haha. Don’t let your enemies catch you naked!

思念三月濛 窗前等春風

Insomnic. Reading story books that I got from the library just now. Today quite tired actually, I don’t see why I can’t sleep. Went to BPP today morning and carried this 4kg carton of Barley Drink back to hostel. No choice lah, recently the weather so guai-lan, I am having 39.7 high fevers already. 月娘啊 伊敢知阮的苦衷 流星啊 乎伊知阮的行蹤 I have completely no idea what I am thinking about. It’s so absurd, yet so realistic…! Damn, I should be a monk next time lah. My all-time favorite movie, 海角七号, for all to enjoy. Too bad if you can’t understand Chinese, I watch Chinese movies 90% of the time. =)


I like noise. Not the noisy type of noise, but the noise of people. Many many people. The more the merrier. Simei in this sense becomes too quiet for me. AMK would have been a much better option. Bulan penuh. One of the beautifulest moon I’ve seen. Dialect Songs seem to be the best medicine. I wonder why. Maybe because people are the sincerest when they use their mother tongues to express themselves?


我的天空忽然下起了霰。 Dear Sherman Foo, in case you didn’t know, I still can tag on your board. Firstly, it was Albert’s com. Secondly, it was Wireless@SG . Thirdly, it wasn’t intentional. I can’t take this [nonsensical-sounding] burden off. But anyway everybody remember to come to [MY] wake okay, I promise there will be Curry Chicken.

saya dihilang

都过了这么久了,我还是无法忘怀。到底我还有撑多久,才认识到自己的无知? 我是应该真正放弃的,但是就这样罢手,自己又不甘心,我到底该怎么做,才对得起自己?

Love house also crow

Chinese got this phrase called 爱屋及乌. Yeah shan't elaborate much on it. Figure it out YOURSELF. I have confidence in myself. And more confidence in my friends. 加油 for Prelims. 加油 for A Levels. I will feel very very very happy for you guys if you all thrash me in Prelims. Work hard! =)

It feels XXXXXXX

Neh not being racist here. Well we have to admit that every ethnic group in this world have stereotypes inflicted on them. And also every ethnic group have their own trends. People always say Japanese are courteous, Angmohs are innovative. What about Chinese. We are freaking power-greedy, haha. This Malaysia ah, sibeh chialat leh. The MCA members fighting among themselves don’t know for what. There is this Deputy President 蔡细历 that wanna challenge the President 翁诗杰, because the latter refused to give him any proper posts. This just sound so stupid lah, no wonder your party keep losing votes during elections. Put your focus on the people instead of having 党争s every now and then can. Today's GP seemed fine enough. Prelim doesn't seem that scary after all. Damn tired today. And it's freaking cold. That's why I HATE WINTER.    =] This Alaiin Robert guy is damn powerful. I truly respect him. Salutes!`~~~~

Thinn jú líng, sim jú kín, kám-tsîng jú kian-tīng

Today is cold day. So doused my dampened spirits with Vectors. I dare say now that I can expect to pass Vectors. Thanks to Sheryl. I really need MOTIVATION. I suck at driving myself to work.   We have this very very very very very studious girl studying GP. While I am loafing around, doing like one question in 30 minutes, rotting away my life. And congrats to canoeing for doing Singapore PROUD. Really impressive performance from them, and kudos to the two dear MARISTS in the canoeing team! MARISTS FTW~~~~~~~ 说到Marist, we went back to MSHS yesterday, missing NJ’s celebration. OK lah, we were banned from attending school that day anyway, Mr L threatened to XXXXX us should we appeared in school that day. "FAT ARSH", said Clarence Teoh. Nicholar Chen still look damn GAY. There goes our Multi-purpose Court. Change color, change style. That's 4B. Still 4B classroom. The horny Green Chair (if you still remember, the yellow liquid from me killled a lizard), the horny Pillar (if y...