
Tonight another sleepless night. I guess I shall be used to it. Last year PW also like that, listen to Steve Jobs’ interview until 3am. Really tiring I thought. Now it is in Chinese, and contrary to popular belief, THIS IS SOOOOO MUCH MORE DIFFICULT. It’s really bad taking this subject, I wouldn’t recommend anyone else taking this. So severely disadvantaged, it just disheartenes people. I cannot communicate with the class properly, albeit having 6 ppl only. I cannot communicate with the teacher sometimes, because I don’t understand what he says, and he doesn’t understand what I say. JUST SUCKS.

Yeah and for people who still have no idea what kind of thesis I am writing about, it is 《台湾族群意识的变化在多大程度上影响中国政府对台政策的走向》Ok, I see three lines on your forehead. Simply put, it means how demographics and identity changes in Taiwan causes a change in the Mainland’s policies towards it. Sounds cheem. Damn cheem, Moreover writing 4000 characters. I must have been nuts.

It’s quite emo-ish when writing the thesis lah, because you get to compare different viewpoints and hear different stories. This year is the 60th anniversary of China. It is also the 60th year when the “original” Chinese KMT government retreated onto Taiwan, creating the split we see today. The KMT regime brought along 2 million Mainlanders to Taiwan, and that caused a lot of problems between the locals and these newcomers. Then it’s like quite sad lah, because these people they lost the war on the Mainland so they came to Taiwan, yet the locals disliked them and it isn’t really fair to them actually. They spent their lifetime protecting their 国 but cannot return to their 家.

In a sense, Taiwan is a place where “losers” congregate—the defeated KMT army on the Mainland, the farmers and fishermen in Shantung who got abducted as soldiers, local Taiwanese Aborigines who joined the 70th battalion without knowing that he would get caught in the Korean War, young Taiwanese men who followed the Japs to be gaolers in Borneo and in the end becoming POWs…


Okay, enough emo shit. Today is a good day because I learn many things. My Maths improved! Practice makes prefect. And did some Chem too, but the efforts not really good lah because I ponned Chem tutorial and also I didn’t bring my notes. I seriously expect at least a C for my Prelims. Really and sincerely, yang ikhlas,

Kau begitu sempurna
Di mataku kau begitu indah
Kau membuat diriku akan slalu memujamu

Whatever that has happened, saya takkan lupa. Forever.

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