
Showing posts from 2012

lines. kelima ratus.


used to know

I started with 5 projects. Japanese Studies down. Though I think I didn't do a lot on my part. 惭愧中…… Islam and Contemporary Malay Society. Finished. Kinda. Crit on Thursday. Last crit of the year. Ideas need 5 reading and responses. Haven't done a single one, 就等 weekend 吧。 And also a research on Bauhaus Dessau. Haven't started too. 也等周末吧。 Yesterday I was driving along Serangoon Rd. Yeah Deepavali is coming. Hordes of people appeared at every direction, towards every direction. “哎哟我的妈” was the first thing that came to my mind. I think I honked at least 6 times. Well, it's something noteworthy of a little 21 yr old boy with a Probation Plate. Obviously I feel pissed. Racist and culturalist comments came across my mind. But then I told myself, hey, 一年一次才,relac 一下啦..... Then I started thinking how much they have been working to keep our nation clean and striving. JUST LET THEM LAH. While writing my essay for Islam and Contemporary Malay Society, similar i...

jalan lama

Had some awesome supper night and massive 兜风ing with friends in hall! :D I guess Recess Week is theonly time you can catch up with some breathers before work engulfs all of us again bah. Bought my new Jolin album. DARNED NICE! Her style keeps changing, and it's full of surprises. Since 72变 when I was P6, her transformation has been.... WHOA. 妈的,英文烂到已经不懂怎样describe了…… 就是 赞 啦。 Went to SGH yesterday. Passed by Bt Merah enroute. Tracking the paths my parents took when they first landed in Singapore: Singapore has a lot of interesting places to explore. Sometimes I really wonder whether it is a bliss or not that people neglect them. Why? 小坡 , was the name the elderly used to refer to Bugis area. Then where is 大坡 ? It's Chinatown, across the river.   Rochor Centre 梧槽中心 . Making way for the North-South Expressway soon. Train, no more. Did you know, that Queenstown was the earliest satellite town in Singapore? 桥南路 街景。 South Bri...

zoom, terbang!

It's amazing how time flies. I was tidying up my room just now, and saw this stack of 剪报s that I had since JC days, preparing for China Studies then.   报纸出刊时是德国统一二十年,退守台湾六十年,which is 2009. It's 2012 now, and I am reading news talking about terrorists killing American diplomats and a new Chinese leadership coming up. I used to wonder how those convicts would feel when they were sentenced to 5 years of jail. Now it seems, that 5 years would just pass with a blink of an eye. Or maybe two. Imagine you will live till a ripe old age of 80, with some CPF to spare. Right now, you have already spend 25% of your life. What have you achieved? What are you  going to achieve? Citing the Germany article as an example, Are you going to attempt something for twenty years and yet still say they it isn't accomplished?

up to date, update.

One month into school already. Want to die already haha. I am really surprised (and so is the rest of the studio) how I can remain so chill despite such tight deadlines. 10 more days and I WILL BE THROUGH! Design Module: ARGH 10 DAYS 10 DAYS CRAMMMMM! Structure Module: I have no idea what the lecturer is saying. Ideas Module: Angmoh lecturer. Also no idea what the lecturer is saying. But his slides are nice. Japanese Studies: The most interesting one so far. Angmoh lecturer teaching about 織田 信長 , 徳川 家康 and Battle of Sekigahara and all the Japanese history. Okay lah I'm a history buff, but memorising these names in English is SO NOT EASY. Islam Module: Hmmmm. Interesting too, but I don't what will be tested. Oh did I mention I join Chinese Drama? Pretty interesting, great place to practise Mandarin since Archi studio seems so..... foreign to me. Alcohol is good to keep your lines straight! 天天夜夜,日复一日,年复一年,直到永远。 Yeah lah yeah lah all wear RED ahahhaha ...

murah gila!

要疯掉了~~~~~ 真的~~~~~ Archi sibeh 累人的 wor~~~~~ Life's good so far, 3 weeks of drawing nonsense and I am still standing, and thank you babe, you've let me found new meaning in whatever I'm doing. Really. It's 6.45am now, I didn't wake up before that. I didn't sleep before that either. Archi is like another NS, just that I'm not paid, and there is so MUCH MORE to do. Give me a choice, I would prefer Army as the easy way out. Too late for any regrets, it's time to tengok hadapan lagi. Anyway, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri friends. Religion aside, Ramadan is a period to shun away from temptations and do good.  Mohon Maaf Zahir Dan Batin. Really, right from my heart. Sekian, terima kasih. Yang ikhlas, Yangs.


Sometimes, we just take too many things for granted.


7月23日(月)に渋谷ヒカリエで行われたサプライズイベント「氷結SUMMER NIGHT」のダイジェストムービー。 WHAT ON EARTH AM I DOING HERE IN SCHOOL! :(((


升職 的要訣是 放工前 不放棄工作 ,甚至 放棄放工 。 當然這也是 升仙 的要訣。


在冰冷的钢骨水泥中寻找人情味,其实还蛮困难的。 普世价值一直都在随着社会进步而改变,总有人抱着旧有观念继续生活着。 价值观不应分对错,但事实却往往相反。 看了 《老九》 后,我突然间觉得自己的理想,会不会跟社会会期待相悖呢? 在社会寻求进步的时候,我们有没有办法挽留点什么个自己的后代? 先人的筚路蓝缕 、 现代的日新月异 、 未来的无限憧憬 ,会 clash 的吗? 今天早上在金文泰大牌442湿巴刹吃早餐,顺便走走。 Actually,巴刹的味道还蛮腥的,但至少我不觉得它臭。 而且,你不觉得巴刹的那股味道很有本地的feel,是一个属于 新加坡的味道 咩? 猪肉uncle对我笑,我向他挥手致意。 Sîng-ì tsia̍h tsuí tinn. 誠意食水甜。 Inilah semangat bergotong-royong. 寻找迷失的人情味。


Ignorance is bliss? What if, however, such ignorance is built upon the extremely busy life you lead, and you neglect everything that happens around you? How is it blissful?

makan tidur.

I just ended Union Camp. To be honest I didn't enjoy it that much lah, maybe because I set my expectations too high? But anyway we had an awesome OG. THE EXPOSERS, HAHAHAHA. And really fun people! The most awesome group ever. Like a chillax only. <3 Clubbers with Durian Ice-creams! Carrying Pearlyn's bag like a gas cylinder. HAHAHA. Thanks Pearlyn for all the fun! And night HTHT! Chilling at Koufu with Yiren, Yiting and Rui Ann! Rui Ann was bitching about how FRAGILE she felt!!! My SP! Deep connection hahahaha. Thanks Ka Tsun for being there when I feel like shit. Long time no see NJ PEEPS! PROM KING LAH THIS ONE. Union Camp was dead tiring, but I still bopian lan-lan must go for NDP NE Show 1. Dragon-boating lagi. SHACK DAO MAXXXXX LOR. But the fireworks were damn good. The organisers were dead generous, hahaha. I realise my view was damn good on the waters. It must have been a privilege to take from the angle ...


I don't like being judged. I'm pretty sure no one does too. What goes around comes around. I just gotta be careful next time. Should have stayed in the army. Seems like I have more freedom inside those barbed wires and green uniforms. Being probed about my past is sometimes, annoying. And sometimes, grieving, too.


I forgot what to write after a busy phone call. 「假如世界正常,你我就是 白痴 」


Toronto trip was fun. I don't know how to describe it, I've been here for two weeks last year, yet I still get surprises along the way. Met a lot of awesome people. Hot Korean and Chinese babes too. It seems like Angmoh-born Asians are hotter. WHY HUH? Talking about immigrants, Toronto has A LOT A LOT of immigrants. When I reached their airport almost everyone I saw had black hair. Canada is a bilingual country with English and French. But here, Chinese and Korean characters are everywhere. What does being an immigrant imply? Increased competition for finite resources? Overcrowded trains and buses? It seems to me that migrating is a trend globally. Many angmohs (along with PRCs and Pinoys) chose to move to Singapore, while many Singaporeans are getting PR statuses elsewhere. During the good old monkey-ape days, people moved to seek shelter and food. The notion of nations and races, however, added identity to them. People started to gather as families and commun...


現在我在飛機上,還有3個鐘頭才到 Chicago,我已經 sian 到要跳機了咯! 早上先從新加坡飛往東京成田機場 Narita。好像自己已經很習慣那些 check-in procedures 了,現在想一想,從中二到現在我年年出國,大馬當然就更不用算啦,去了五十幾次了都沒 sian 哈哈哈...... 日本美眉真的 kawaii 的㖏...... 不論老少都會給你那種很和靄可親的感覺,只可惜她們的英文真的是不可恭維啊!(−_−#) 在成田機場遇到很多好像學校 immersion 歸國的學生,長得就沒有那麼 kawaii 了,反而羞澀的臉蛋上兩圈紅紅的,很有甘榜樣有沒有? 日本機場的東西沒有我想像中貴,我最愛喝的「加爾必思」才賣¥150,折合新幣S$2.40左右,不算太貴啦,我們貢茶一杯「Plum Calpis」這樣小杯就已經要S$2.90了咯! 從東京飛芝加哥就辛苦了...... 美國人的安檢真的真的真的非常嚴格,我有點 pekchek 了。我猜,這就是他們想當世界話事人的代價吧? 這架航班要飛十幾個小時。我們在東京下午三點起飛,抵達芝加哥卻是同日下午一點,很神奇 hor?誰講時間不夠用,我這樣就 gain 了兩小時咯!

Busyness Business

有時候真的搞不懂我要把自己搞得那麼忙幹嘛,又不是非得凸顯自己有幾厲害...... 現在好了,每天都出租給別人了,自己連睡覺都不夠了!

Concertas Jun

Went to Hebe's concert last night. It was a very unique experience. Her songs are very philosophical.  It strikes with whatever we're going through now, yet without the blast that rock bands like 五月天 would give us. Hebe的歌我只听过一首, 《寂寞寂寞就好》 ,还是当兵的时候在933上听的。 昨天之后,却爱上了几首歌,包括 《请你给我好一点的情敌》 、 《还是要幸福》 ,还有 《你太猖狂》 …… 还蛮好听的,歌词很有feel, 感觉当下,我们是在一片平行时空里,哈哈哈哈。 分手的理由千百种,只要其中有一方并不想分开,或没有被善待,任何原因都会被归纳为最烂的理由。例如:“我们个性不适合!” “我发觉自己配不上你!” “你会碰到更好的人!” “我的能力不够,无法给你幸福!” …… 以上听起来的确像是借口,但至少它不伤人,比起“我从来没有爱过你!”这个理由,要温和很多。 面对分手的残酷时刻,因为依依不舍而伤心难过的人,往往都忘了:当初开始相爱的时候,往往没有任何理由,就只是很单纯的喜欢而已。分手,其实也不需要任何理由,就只是很单纯的不爱了啊。 若执著于要求对方一定要给个更像样的理由,只不过是更加证明自己不甘心罢了 。 负心人提出的每个分手的理由,绝对都是史上最烂,但又何妨,愈烂就应该愈舍得潇洒地丢掉它,让自己重新出发。 from 《最烂的分手理由?》 by 吴若权 自己曾经是那不甘心的家伙, 还好平常多看书,悟性比较强,不至于陷落万丈深渊。 有时候看到诸男性同胞身陷囹圄,虽然能够感同身受,但是也帮不上多少忙。 Age doesn't imply maturity. Similarly, being through many events doesn't make you  mature either. It's what you've learnt through the events that make you ...