up to date, update.

One month into school already. Want to die already haha.
I am really surprised (and so is the rest of the studio) how I can remain so chill despite such tight deadlines.
10 more days and I WILL BE THROUGH!

Design Module: ARGH 10 DAYS 10 DAYS CRAMMMMM!
Structure Module: I have no idea what the lecturer is saying.
Ideas Module: Angmoh lecturer. Also no idea what the lecturer is saying. But his slides are nice.
Japanese Studies: The most interesting one so far. Angmoh lecturer teaching about 織田 信長 , 徳川 家康 and Battle of Sekigahara and all the Japanese history. Okay lah I'm a history buff, but memorising these names in English is SO NOT EASY.
Islam Module: Hmmmm. Interesting too, but I don't what will be tested.

Oh did I mention I join Chinese Drama? Pretty interesting, great place to practise Mandarin since Archi studio seems so..... foreign to me.

Alcohol is good to keep your lines straight!


Yeah lah yeah lah all wear RED ahahhaha

Hall OGmates!

古人 says, 餘音繞樑,三日不絕於­耳。果然如此。
Being 梁静茹 fan all these years and still being so. :D

Life is exciting isn't it,
the tougher the challenge, the greater the satisfaction.

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