andante sedikit
I wanna go, but Where got time!
My whole life fits into a twelve-foot square box. Wow.
Those who watched Eat Pray Love should have heard of this phrase before bah. It's a pretty motivational show I think, I never thought life in such a way before. Hmm.
Most probably I will be extending service for another half a year till Jun '12, for I have nothing to do till Aug next year and I don't really have much money to go tour the world. The SPENDTHRIFT BIG TIME regrets not saving enough money... D:
That said, people don't have to travel to MANY MANY places just to gain exposure or experience. Staying at one place long enough is actually the same; experiencing LIFE, I put quality over quantity.
There is term commonly heard in Taiwan called 慢活. 对于「慢」,我们向来待之如弊。
一言以蔽之:慢活便是平衡──该快则快,能慢则慢,尽量以所谓的tempo giusto生活吧。
緩下來擁抱生命 才不至於被時間追著跑
緩下來擁抱生命 才不至於被時間追著跑
所以絕非凡事must Do it Quick告捷作速急就章
所以絕非凡事must Do it Quick告捷作速急就章
Might be going to Melaka in May. Still deciding with Minshing (yes the NJ Recce 3SG!).
But anyway since I am extending service I will only be left with about two months before I start my Archi Course. Hopefully I have saved enough money by then, and set things right to go!!!
The Military is like, a Service Industry. People pay you to defend them.
Same for my workplace: We provide services to clients.
Sometimes people come make requests, so we must do things swee-swee for them mah...
A bit working like robots le lah, because we have functions for our little organs:
Brain: Install Software to satisfy Boss, Clients, Manager;
Eyes: Gotta expand its Space so that you don't sleep and worse still, don't be blind;
Ears: Must improve the Sound Card to understand what the boss wants better;
Mouth: Delete Applications that tell the truth;
Lungs: Ignore 2nd-Hand Smoke from your clients;
Heart: Use Task Manager to Terminate feelings.exe;
Liver: Must Upgrade to 2012 PRO Edition for OT and stuff;
Stomach: Can Ctrl-Alt-Del already because you don't need it at work;
Bladder: Hahahaha must Upgrade the Virtual Memory, cos you have no time to clear it!!
Ohhh. It's Weekend.
It's JB TIME~~~