The Shining Star

月明かり帰り道 指差し繋いだ星は
いつだって変わらず キラキラ瞬いてるね

すれ違いあの時 止まったままの時計は
心の中知らず チクタクまた動き出した

素直になれなくて 閉じ込めていたけど
ひとすじ流れ星 願い託して

抱きしめて消えた shooting star
描いていったのは リスタートライン
曇り空 遥か遠く
迷ってても 何も始まらないの

背中を押してね twinkle star
手を伸ばしても まだ届かないけど
星の海 駆け抜けてく
振り向かない 笑顔の私で行こう

Just attended a wedding last night. Once again proven, Singaporeans are always late to weddings, hahahaha.
Always de lor! A bit frustrating. Luckily I went there with a full stomach filled with camp food.

Which reminded me of the weddings I attended in Taiwan. They are all held in day-time during weekends. I think it's better. Don't have to drag so long mah.

Decorating the 礼车

I forgot what's this for.

Singapore don't have this right.

There goes BANG BANG.

There should be a reason why she's using a rice-sieve instead of a brolly. I kinda forgot too.

红枣 + 红豆 + lots of other yums stuff.

I kinda don't like this uncle because he was rude at the wedding dinner in Sindian.
But his girl is so cute. Never mind lah Uncle I forgive you.

Hualien is a bit the kampung style. So the weddings here is a bit different from those we see here. They have "professional" emcees (kampung kind lah) who crack loads of jokes and sing loads of songs. Mostly in Hokkien by the way.

Uncle is the Emcee. And he gave a few Toto numbers.

Wah back then I look like shit. Hahaha.

They Yamseng whole lot one shot. And the father/mother/brother/sister give speeches chop-chop one.
Not like Singapore I talk finish you talk then she talk then we all no need to eat already lah!

The MP was here also. MP not easy 赚吃 in Taiwan also lah.

The best part was they had relatives from all over Taiwan... Instead of labelling Table 1, 2, 3, etc they label with placenames and their relations to the couple (i.e. 左营、台南、新竹、台大同学、同事 etc)

Damn fun right.

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