13 weeks finally ended. Time to enjoy the cool breeze of Pasir Laba....
Too bad the Bayonet isn't destined to be mine, hahahaha but I've still got another trophy on my hand for being Top Team in the Ex. Which isn't so bad. I'm defintely fighting for the chance to go for more courses during my remaining term in NS.

Come to think about it, it's actually a little blessed that I OOCed. Imagine if i hadn't; where would I be now?
Most probably in the forest now commanding men right. Which is what I enjoy...
But what would I learn? What skills do I gain?

At least now by doing saikang, I know how the Logistics operate, never don't look down on them.
At least now by going overseas as an OOC, I know how our training is done out there in full picture.
At least now by sitting in the office waiting for things to happen, I know how important office jobs are.
At least now I am able to carry my barang-barang and go on an Amazing Race-like trip with 7 men.
At least now I have a little knowledge on networking, and setting IP addresses, hahaha.
And at least now I know so much so much things happening around!!!

Anyway this is really what I call 女中豪杰.
红毛片本来就看得少,说得上精彩的,真的不多…… Awesome movie.

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