
Showing posts from July, 2015


Was lamenting the loss of my socks. Well you know, it's pretty irritating if you lose ONE sock. I wouldn't mind losing a pair; I could always buy a new pair. But just ONE? How about trying my luck at Sungei Road? 人生最懒叫的事莫过于袜子不见了。不见一双也就算了,不见一条却甚是可恶。Sometimes the dryer completes its mission before I could rescue my clothes. Some lousy Samaritan attempts to rescue them, but leaves one or two socks behind. 没错,就是这么硬生生地把它们拆散。 刹那想到 《神雕侠侣》 里,女魔头李莫愁因爱生恨,将陆家灭门之后,把陆展元和妻子何沅君的骨灰挖出来,分别埋进华山、倒入东海,使两者永世不得相见: 武三通突然喝道:“李莫愁,我要问你一句话,陆展元和何沅君的尸首,你弄到那里去了?”李莫愁陡然听到陆展元和何沅君的名字,全身一颤,脸上肌肉抽动,说道:“都烧成灰啦。 一个的骨灰散在华山之巅,一个的骨灰倒入了东海,叫他二人永生永世不得聚首。 ” 众人听她如此咬牙切齿的说话,怨毒之深,当真是刻骨铭心,无不心下暗惊。 ………… 这时四周树木着火,噼噗之声大作,热气越来越是难以忍受。黄蓉道:“大伙先退向东北角石山上再说。”各人奔上斜坡,眼见屋宇连绵,已尽数卷入烈火之中。 李莫愁被点中了穴道,虽能行走,武功却半点施展不出,暗自运气,想悄悄冲开穴道,乘人不防便突然发难,纵然伤不了敌人,自己却可脱身逃走。那知真气一动,胸口小腹之中立时剧痛,忍不住“啊”的一声叫了出来。她遍身受了情花之刺,先前还仗真气护身,花毒一时不致发作,这时穴道受制,真气涣散,花毒越发越猛。她胸腹奇痛,遥遥望见杨过和小龙女并肩头而来,一个是英俊潇洒的美少年,一个是娇柔婀娜的俏姑娘,眼睛一花,模模糊糊的竟看到是自己刻骨相思的意中人陆展元,另一个却是他的妻子何沅君。她冲口而出,叫道:“展元,你好狠心...

triviṣa: 所有回憶,青絲成雪。

苏打绿《再遇见》: 忽然之間! 你忽略的、我忽略的所有細節, 當初的猜疑好奇、 愛恨痴嗔 卻已希微。 忽然之間 ! 你發現的、我發現的所有改變, 當初的微笑眼淚、喜怒哀樂都已雲煙。 而你,在離開我之後,全沒有改變; 而我,在離開你之後,就一直往前。 轉眼之間,你的世界,一步一步越離越遠, 轉身之前,看到你, 卻還依稀覺得有點可憐。 In the Buddhist teachings, the three poisons of ignorance  痴毒 , attachment 贪毒 , and aversion  嗔毒   are the primary causes that keep sentient beings trapped in samsara. 痴毒 ,是指人有迷暗之心。心性暗钝,迷惘于事理。或对事理颠倒,因果迷乱,由此引起种种烦恼。 贪毒 ,指世人引取各种事物、名分的欲望。它使人迷醉于一切顺情的境,贪取无厌。 嗔毒 ,是指人有恚忿之心。以迷心对于一切违情之境起忿怒者,恼怒打骂伤害他人。三毒中,此毒为最恶。 The three poisons are represented in the hub of the wheel of life as a pig, a bird, and a snake respectively. Of these three, ignorance is the "root poison". From ignorance, attachment and aversion arise. Some people don't bother finding out the truth before commenting. Comments are free, but facts are always sacred. 人们却往往把真理跟错误混在一起去教人,而坚持的却是错误。 盲 好過 忘 , 目亡 好過 心亡 。

Coklat. Beza.

据说,巧克力像花,有属于自己的一套爱情物语。牛奶巧克力代表热恋,白巧克力象征的是浓情,心形巧克力则代表「我心属于你」。 So you know, I hate chocolates. And it is quite annoying when everyone gets chocolates for you during performances because they assumed I would like it. 最糟糕的是,人家毕竟一片心意,你还不能骂他,更不能退货,最后只好偷偷摸摸找个时候趁机把这些巧克力分掉。 Am I complaining? I'm not. 都说了是心意, "Hutang emas boleh dibayar, hutang budi dibawa mati" ,哪里好意思 complain 酱多? I'm not simply ranting about what I like/dislike. Instead, what I am talking about is embracing diversity. 这不是一个非黑即白的世界,人与人之间的尊重不能因为意识形态的不同而有所区别。 I was brought up in a conservative, traditional Chinese way, which emphasises a lot on conforming to social norms. Which is fine, at least for the first twenty years of my life. Conformity keeps things orderly. And I like order. Okay ignore the state of my room for now, in general I like order. But what these years of university education brought me new perspectives in keeping myself open to variants, and I am grateful for it. I have alw...