semakin senyum

I start feeling that I'm no longer the Yangs that everyone used to know.
Becoming more salient, more 郁郁寡欢, more 不苟言笑 at times.

To be positive, I might have became more sane.

To be pessimistic, I might have become scarier.
Like friends would ask why I've became like this.

Frankly speaking, I won't know how to answer that.
Too many things are processing simultaneously in the brain right now.
And problems start to become complex.

I'm feeling too detached from the world I hang out with.
I want to pick them up again, but like Hansel and Gretel's breadcrumbs, apparently they have been taken way, deliberately or not.

Perhaps I shall just leave life, to a series of PERHAPS.

我希望給妳看到世界的方式 不是要看那些現成的、被拍好的、修過的完美照片
而是我拉著妳到我的視角 指給妳看每一個景物 讓妳親眼看見這一切是多麼的奧妙與美好
然後從此以後 我也會尋找迷人的風景 學會思考 再帶著妳看我看到的風景

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