By right this post wasn’t supposed to be here but I’ve decided that since I am at the airport and slightly drunk I should write something about an issue which erupted yesterday.
最近发生了一件大事——(当然不太方便说是什么啦,但是影响蛮多人的),但是这则post重点反正也不是来讨论我的看法,after all the university has its rules,它讲什么你就follow咯,做学生的静静就好嘛。
有些时候人就是得往前看,毕竟是你的终究是你的,不是你的强求来也没有什么懒叫用。面对 unfavourable outcome 的时候能得到众人的鼓励(甚至义愤填膺的声音)真的令人振奋,尽管我们自己心知肚明,知道自己终究斗不过公权力。 But it does proves how much I mattered to my friends and peers, that I was a positive-enough agent of influence to them and that I was someone who was looked up to.
最近发生了一件大事——(当然不太方便说是什么啦,但是影响蛮多人的),但是这则post重点反正也不是来讨论我的看法,after all the university has its rules,它讲什么你就follow咯,做学生的静静就好嘛。
有些时候人就是得往前看,毕竟是你的终究是你的,不是你的强求来也没有什么懒叫用。面对 unfavourable outcome 的时候能得到众人的鼓励(甚至义愤填膺的声音)真的令人振奋,尽管我们自己心知肚明,知道自己终究斗不过公权力。 But it does proves how much I mattered to my friends and peers, that I was a positive-enough agent of influence to them and that I was someone who was looked up to.