
Showing posts from 2018

Intern 十日新人 ​

Just ended a 10-day (actually it’s 11 but whatever, I’m an Arts student so I am assumed to be unable to process numbers beyond 9) internship. It was an amazing process of self-discovery I swear. 带了一群大学新鲜人过来我们公司参加十天的商业竞赛,其间还在民丹岛待了三天。 这短短十天真是充满了发现自我的时刻——发现自己的特长、弱点,种种。 Leading a team of interns is nothing like leading a Hall or a student society, because the stakeholders are very different. You’re no longer just responsible to organisational entities but also responsible to tangible successes, which is basically KPIs like profit or manpower. Multi-tasking have reached a new level for myself. Being someone who is extremely haphazard (and messy), leading a team while staying focused on track on what I am supposed to do already as a financial advisor is pretty challenging. 革命尚未成功,林北仍需努力。非常努力。 Being friends and co-workers at the same time brings your relationship to a whole new level. I guess one of the biggest realisation for myself is my lack of patience. I guess the past few years in Hall ...

replacement yg diperlukan

小楼昨夜又东风,故国不堪回首月明中! Looking back, I wrote this piece two years ago: 能够得到一份倾心的付出实属不易,两人能惺惺相惜更似缘木求鱼,即便日后无法修成正果,仍不枉此生也。 The fact is, after another two years of life and into the workforce, my reply to that will be: Don’t Waste Time Lah . 无论自己又多么喜欢,都应以个人福祉为前提。 飞蛾扑火式的爱情的确史诗般的壮烈,结局却由不得可怜,不过是自食恶果罢了。 有些人明明无法给予自己幸福,自作多情也只会两败俱伤,倒不如退一步为自己着想。 事实上,现实环境的变化总是逼你重新思考对于未来的愿景。 很多时候我们在细想之后才发现,自己喜欢的那个人不存在这个愿景内。 So do you let go? 长痛不如短痛,你说呢? At the same time, if someone that treats you seriously comes along, what would you do? Evaluate her existence in your life, won’t you? 当“喜欢”升华为“爱”的时候,自然有一个“被爱”的或“被喜欢”的人被割爱。这没有谁先谁后的问题,只有谁更需要谁的关系。 时间并没有抚平一切的能力,它只是将你轻巧地揉捏,使你渐渐相信,有些事真的只是年少轻狂,与爱恨无关。 它也使你恍然大悟,那些年所付出的努力,只是对未知世界的乞求和排解寂寞的方式,而不是拼了命去实现的梦想。

Pictorial History

Before I talk about other things in life (sorry other things have to make way first), TA DAH THESE ARE MY GRADUATION SHOOT PHOTOS! WARNING: THIS IS AN EXTREMELY LONG POST. REALLY DAMN LONG. Come on, it's six years, what do you expect. 报章报导咩? This post will be a very g r a p h i c journey of my past few years, which I have to put a full stop to and move on. It's time to make ends meet, if not I may end up not having enough income to buy LiHo. YES so I brought le bae Pearl to do photoshoot for me all over the island—it must have been really tiring for her to drag that heavy camera around in this extremely hot weather.  Thanks bae, you’re the best. These places hold very special meaning to me in my formative years. Oh wait, am I allowed to use the word “formative” still? 这样老了 probably not right? Ok whatever, my point is these locations are important to me because I can never be who I am today without being there at some point in my life. I h...

permulaan keakhiran. semuanya.

事过境迁,终于又让自己遇到一个令自己大彻大悟的机会。 有些人会说,情感世界本来就是苍狗白云般变幻,其旅程总会反复曲折。 虽然自己无法苟同,但是又不得不承认,实在没有更好的诠释。 Genggam bara api, biar sampai jadi arang? 或许吧,尽管自己在这方面严重不足。 最近突然觉悟,自己在过去的感情中虽然常常以 受害者 自居,实际上也一直以 加害者 的身份存在。 过去值得追忆的事情太多了,现在唯一能做的就是向前看。 Harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi? That sucks man. Jadi saya mesti menjadi lebih berjaya daripada dia sebab saya harus membuktikan bahawa kehidupan saya bergerak maju tanpa dia. Ya sekarang itulah motivasi saya. Salty? Not really. Inilah keinginan yang keras. Semangat yang kuat. Dimotivasikan oleh you. Hurhur. 忽然之间,你经历的、我经历的所有谎言, 当初的我的退让,你的亏欠都不起眼。              ——《再遇见》苏打绿 最近也发现, “喜欢” 可适用在多人身上,惟 “爱” 仅限于一人。厘清此等差异,身边人事物与自己的关系自然明朗。 在“喜欢”还没升华为“爱”之前,选择做比情人更好的朋友, 其实是最好的选择 。 Oh and one more thing. Remember I always tell people not to judge? She sinned, you talked bad about her, you criticized her, you judged her, you insulted her, but she prayed and asked Allah (swt) to forgive her, she repented for her sins, now she became better than you. Be car...

Illeism, a stylistic device

Suddenly some late night musing after drinking a jar of beer at the hawkers. As you might know, I am someone who acts on emotions, not really by rationality. I guess your O Level Biology is right— alcohol is a depressant . Before I begin on this short and impromptu post, I must say, I am not reminiscing my university days. I can’t wait to leave this place in the past 6 months and am glad to do so. So don’t bother asking the next time you see me. These six years has made me a stronger person, much stronger than I thought I would have been in 2012. I don’t think many would have been through the same kind of nonsense that I did these six years. Well of course, 家家都有难念的经, it is not fair to compare circumstances (because I truly believe that God is fair and omnipotent), but if you were in my shoes, you probably would want to get out of that pair of shoes and go FML. Maintaining social expectations wasn’t easy. Pursuing economically impracticable interests wasn’t easy. Making ends meet wasn’t...


Back from Moscow. I MISS HOME SO MUCH! I don’t see why people like to say “I don’t wanna go home!”? Tak nak balik, tukar pasport lah. LOL. Russia has always been a mysterious place simply because IT IS SO FAR AWAY and so little-known. I mean, what do we know about Russia? 1. Largest country by area. 2. Used to be communist. 3. The President is called Putin. 4. Don’t like America. I think that’s about it. Before coming here I don’t know a single Russian football player at all. Anyway this trip adds the Russian Federation to my list of travelled countries. I thought I was pretty well-travelled—maybe not, I have a lot of space to cover. This trip took place because I won a lucky draw by Maybank and VISA . Maybe I spent too much on their card? I don’t know. But apparently VISA is my sugar daddy during this trip—everything was taken care of. First they gave us free US$225 for no reason. Then a lunch card worth 4500 rubles for no reason. Then free Metro card. Thre...