
Showing posts from June, 2015

guà ài

千万不要沉溺以下的恶性循环:明明是害怕孤单,没有勇气过一个人的生活,有个不完美的男人来凑数了,还嫌他粗鲁没格;明明是自己依赖成性,不想改变现状,却推说环境很艰困,只好委屈地忍着。 只要自己愿意回到「以自己为人生的轴心」的立场,就可以更独立勇敢地看清楚现状,并作出明智的决定,而且有足够的意愿与能力,为自己所做的决定负责。从此,不再过渡依赖一个人、一段关系、一项职位、一种借口,也就不会和任何不愉快的情绪作困兽之斗。到最后,自己要越来越清楚地知道:「我不会跟这个人永远在一起!」「我不会跟这个工作永远在一起!」「我不会跟这个借口永远在一起!」,最终学会放下這些 罣碍 ,面对最真实的自己。 菩提萨埵,依般若波罗密多故,心无罣碍;无罣碍故,无有恐怖。 Such Hindrance.

降卋 Pengendali Angin Terakhir

It's over. Arts Camp 2015 is over. Will there be 2016? How about 2017? 2018? 世界既然永远充满未知,最重要的是珍惜当下。 死Freshie,一世人只有一次机会; 死Senior,倚老卖老却永远做不完。 It's the same in society. 新鲜人的新鲜感总是令人振奋,却来的快去的也快。 果然是老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼啊。 Arts Camp takes an extremely special position in my NUS life because it is so different from other orientation camps out there. There is continuity, there is a spirit in it. None of the other camps I have attended has such a strong identity. I still remember the cheesy post   I wrote last year. A year has passed, people come and go, cheers change here and there, my age has increased again, but there was this ONE question, whose answer shall remain a constant: Who are we, if we have nothing that we keep close to our hearts? What do we gain, if we do not put in our efforts into what we do? Dear Bing Le, I know I lupsup. But you took me along anyway. You took on a lot of things that I did not during the camp, and yes you are a little overbeari...

hentak kaki

It's never too late to start over. If you weren't happy with yesterday, try something different today. Don't stay stuck. Do better. 马来同胞有一句话:Banyak udang banyak garam, banyak orang banyak ragam. 虾多盐多,人多花样多。 Quoting 《1Q84》,不要被表象迷惑,现实往往只有一个。 The reason why I never get sick of Orientation Camps is because it is a place where you seek the alter ago. 小朋友反正拢不识,青菜乎林北玩嘛不要紧。 不愧是个放松心情的好时机。

投笔从戎·头必从容 persona terpilih

16 Ways To Identify Someone Who Is “Selectively Social” by Tenzin Woesel 1. You are very frank and loud at home or when you are with your friends but you turn into a timid shy ball when you are with people you hardly know. 

2. You are the entertainer in your friends circle but you hate it when your friends expect you to entertain in front of a crowd of strangers. 

3. You are very close to just one or two friends among your friends circle. With the rest of the friends in your circle, you are comfortable being you but you are not too close. 

 4. There’s an uncertainty when you agree to keep in touch with people. There are days when you want to talk to people yet there are days when you don’t want to talk to anyone.

 5. When your friends ask you to join them for an outing, the first thing you ask is; “Who all are going?” and the answer is always, always a BIG influence on your decision. 

6. You try your best to avoid having a conversation with people and hence, you stay...