
Showing posts from July, 2012


7月23日(月)に渋谷ヒカリエで行われたサプライズイベント「氷結SUMMER NIGHT」のダイジェストムービー。 WHAT ON EARTH AM I DOING HERE IN SCHOOL! :(((


升職 的要訣是 放工前 不放棄工作 ,甚至 放棄放工 。 當然這也是 升仙 的要訣。


在冰冷的钢骨水泥中寻找人情味,其实还蛮困难的。 普世价值一直都在随着社会进步而改变,总有人抱着旧有观念继续生活着。 价值观不应分对错,但事实却往往相反。 看了 《老九》 后,我突然间觉得自己的理想,会不会跟社会会期待相悖呢? 在社会寻求进步的时候,我们有没有办法挽留点什么个自己的后代? 先人的筚路蓝缕 、 现代的日新月异 、 未来的无限憧憬 ,会 clash 的吗? 今天早上在金文泰大牌442湿巴刹吃早餐,顺便走走。 Actually,巴刹的味道还蛮腥的,但至少我不觉得它臭。 而且,你不觉得巴刹的那股味道很有本地的feel,是一个属于 新加坡的味道 咩? 猪肉uncle对我笑,我向他挥手致意。 Sîng-ì tsia̍h tsuí tinn. 誠意食水甜。 Inilah semangat bergotong-royong. 寻找迷失的人情味。


Ignorance is bliss? What if, however, such ignorance is built upon the extremely busy life you lead, and you neglect everything that happens around you? How is it blissful?

makan tidur.

I just ended Union Camp. To be honest I didn't enjoy it that much lah, maybe because I set my expectations too high? But anyway we had an awesome OG. THE EXPOSERS, HAHAHAHA. And really fun people! The most awesome group ever. Like a chillax only. <3 Clubbers with Durian Ice-creams! Carrying Pearlyn's bag like a gas cylinder. HAHAHA. Thanks Pearlyn for all the fun! And night HTHT! Chilling at Koufu with Yiren, Yiting and Rui Ann! Rui Ann was bitching about how FRAGILE she felt!!! My SP! Deep connection hahahaha. Thanks Ka Tsun for being there when I feel like shit. Long time no see NJ PEEPS! PROM KING LAH THIS ONE. Union Camp was dead tiring, but I still bopian lan-lan must go for NDP NE Show 1. Dragon-boating lagi. SHACK DAO MAXXXXX LOR. But the fireworks were damn good. The organisers were dead generous, hahaha. I realise my view was damn good on the waters. It must have been a privilege to take from the angle ...


I don't like being judged. I'm pretty sure no one does too. What goes around comes around. I just gotta be careful next time. Should have stayed in the army. Seems like I have more freedom inside those barbed wires and green uniforms. Being probed about my past is sometimes, annoying. And sometimes, grieving, too.


I forgot what to write after a busy phone call. 「假如世界正常,你我就是 白痴 」