
Showing posts from May, 2010

Cari Kerja?

Someone ask me yesterday HOW THE FXXX I GOT INTO ARCHITECTURE . So I told her my Aptitude Test/Interview process.  Of course lah, I don't like to talk serious stuff when I am eating, so talked a lot of cock.   Actually right, parts of the conversation between me and the angmoh + baba interviewers went like this:   [Part 1] Me: Good morning. Angmoh:  Hey there good morning, how you feelin' today? Me: Erm. I had fever yesterday in camp. Just recovered. Angmoh: Oh really! Okay we will get this REALLLLLL quick. *winks to Baba* Baba: *drinks his Coffee Bean and winks back*   As you can see, the interviewers are quite different from those you see out there right.... Other interviewers wear suits and act stern and ask serious yet unanswerable questions, but these two guys are........   [Part 2]   Angmoh: Apart from your Dad's firm (HDB), what other architectural firm do you appreciate? Me: (SHIT I DON'T ANY FIRM...) I think HDB is the best, because the...

『蒼穹の昴』——The Firmament of the Pleiades

清代の中国を舞台とした歴史小説。舞台は光緒12年(1887年・明治20年)から光緒24 年(1899 年・明治32年)の清朝末期。貧家の子、李春雲は糞拾いによって生計を立てていたが、貧しい家族のために自ら浄身し、宦官となって西太后の元に出仕する。 一方、春児の兄の義兄弟で同郷の梁文秀は、光緒十二年の科挙を首席(状元)で合格し、翰林院で九品官人法の官僚制度を上り始める。 清朝内部では、西太后を戴く后党と、西太后を除いて皇帝の親政を実現しようとする帝党とに分かれて激しく対立していた。春児は西太后の寵を得てその 側近として仕え、文秀は皇帝を支える変法派若手官僚の中心となる。敵味方に分かれてしまった2人は、滅びゆく清朝の中で懸命に生きていく。   Cheem stuff right. It’s okay. A new Japanese serial drama only lah. Went out to an all boys’ evening. H Coy PL 3 SECT 3 proudly presents the NE PROJECT…. COMING SOON IN SCS AUDITORIUM next next Wednesday. 敬请期待。  I damn Macho right. Yeah I know, I look one of the guys in 飞轮海 or Shinee right , heh heh. Went to Timbre, nice food nice ambience and not as noisy as clubbing. At least we can sit down and chill and talk cock. Starbucks got this new Marshmallow Rice Dream Bar (something like that). Tastes like Kellogg’s Rice Crisps. But goes really well with tea. AWESOME. I spent my whole morning after 3am at Raffles’ City ...


  思い出は消えぬども 増え行く事もなく   Just came back from Dinner at Adam Rd and Island Creamery. My wallet bursted a little lah haha but how much would it cost to me away, maybe 1% of my salary? Hahaha. OOPS. Donated blood on Sunday before I booked in at Orchard Rd. And made a new camp pass, $50 ARGH. Surprisingly nobody mentioned anything about EXTRAS. Maybe I was just lucky, or maybe those old men just love me. I don’t know. Somehow these old men find the notion of having a Chinaman speaking so many different tongues very very INTERESTING. Like novelty. Being too famous isn’t good; saikang comes to you. Finished another camp in the flats. Weather damn hot lah, but I think it’s better than jungle warfare. After all, it looks more like Counterstrike now. “我也知道一些家庭因为孩子没有办法应付母语而选择移民。而这些家庭的成员往往是专业人士或者成功的企业家——正是我们想 要从其他国家吸引的人才。”——A Quite Prominent Neurologist who frequently writes for the Papers. (Translated into Chinese of course, don’t think her Chinese is as good as her...


Many things happen these two weeks le lah. VE RY VE R Y VE RY HAP PEN ING. Seriously. 1. I expressed interest as Guards Specialist. These two weeks once my uni application is here I will be forever defending Singapore with my life. ORD Date: 04/12/2047. Kinda long huh, now I wonder how to find wife. Hahahaha. 2. Went to do some running with Daniel Stephen. The 5km race. Quite fun and entertaining. Seeing Daniel trying to chiong timing against a ACS girl is pretty funny haha. Then we went for some dimsum brunch at Upper Thomson Rd. I never knew Upper Thomson Road 5.5 miles is called 合巴淡申律五条半石 in Chinese… Wondering what dialect it is…. Haha. The dimsum is a bit ex, $2 per plate, but very nice. And got the very ancient (古早)feel. I miss Malaysia. 3. Went to the Art Museum. Luckily not in SMART 4, haha. Would have been very AA to do so. Tickets costed me $10, but it is really worth the journey. Ming Wong represented Singapore in the Venice Biennale (or is it Vienna? ...