
Showing posts from April, 2015


Well this is the end of Week 13, the end of the instructional period in NUS. It was indeed very daring of me to leave Singapore during this week because I think everyone knows that this week is like the MOST CHIONG week in the semester. Essays, exam hints, etc. Well I really need a break off all these shit in the little red dot . Not that the little red dot is shit, but many people (and things they do) in the red dot is shit. 全部都带赛! Anyway, I made a couple of so-called “brave decisions” in this trip. It isn’t really “brave” per se, but I guess you won’t make the same irrational choice as me if you were in my shoes: 1. Use AirBnB I know it is a bit DUH, but you know what, 凡是都有第一次的嘛…… 林北又不是没有钱,第一次送给它咯…… It’s pretty interesting anyway, I stayed with this old couple, who told me that they too were virgins in AirBnB and I was their first guest. They picked me up from the airport. And I left my laptop in the plane. So we went back to the airport again, and back home. And then f...

tiada hilang bisanya

一年前差不多这个时候,我写了篇有关宿舍里发生的一件事的 文章 。 事过境迁,我以为我抛开了从前的狭隘、固执,殊不知现在的自己依然顽固不化,只是体现的方式变了。 自己浑然不知,在别人眼中却一目了然。 这几天大家都在谈论老李的功过。 爱他的,说没有他,就没有新加坡今日的繁荣。 恨他的,说有了他,导致我国华文教育的没落。 信之者恒信,不信者恒不信。 对我而言,李先生最大的特点就是他的固执。他凡事敢做敢当,问之无愧,什么“打压华教”、“鼓吹精英主义”等等帽子你随便盖,他都不当一回事。 固执,其实不错吧? 老李的固执,成就了一个繁荣的新加坡。他固执,but he has brains。 林北的固执,不知道成就了什么,只知道会让自己承受不必要的代价。 还是那句话:屁股没有那么大,就别坐那么大的椅子。 也许我还太嫩。