
Showing posts from October, 2014

avenger. 君子曰必报德。

It's been a while since I am here. Two months of school sure has been very strenuous on me indeed. But it's okay I am surviving well. Many friends around me seem to have relationship difficulties these days. When I look at them I always thought about my own experience (note, it's singular , contrary to popular belief haha) more than two years ago. It was a difficult time for me, simply because I was inexperienced. I thought I had put all my effort into maintaining the relationship. Apparently She harboured other thoughts, which I didn't take into account, perhaps I was too naive and unrealistic. My Love by Hebe In June 2012 I wrote an article, and I think it still holds true today. Would like to share with you guys: 分手的理由千百种,只要其中有一方并不想分开,或没有被善待,任何原因都会被归纳为最烂的理由。例如: “我们个性不适合!” “我发觉自己配不上你!” “你会碰到更好的人!” “我的能力不够,无法给你幸福!” …… 以上听起来的确像是借口,但至少它不伤人,比起 “我从来没有爱过你!” 这个理由,要温和很多。  面对分手的残酷时刻,因为依依不舍而伤心难过的人,往往都忘了:当初开始相爱的时候,往往没有任何理由,就只是很单纯的喜欢而已。分手,其实也不需要任何理由,就只是很单纯的不爱了啊。若...