Left toe, Right toe, Pick up the Tempo! [Sunday 11.30am] That's right. It's a start of the new year. And a new round of craziness. New plans ahead in work, it's gonna get so busy, and most probably that's why they needed someone like me to extend my service. Next up we have Chingay. It's really getting tiring and on our nerves at times...! Stay focused, and stay chilled! And I have to go out less often, and save more money! [Tuesday 1.39am] Was supposed to write a new blogspot. Then I saw those happy stuff I wrote on top. Just continue lor. 我不明白自己对身边事物的 “忍让” 是不是已经到了非常让人喷饭的地步。 有时候我必须承认我好像是个 劳碌命 。 身边总是有一大堆 commitments 等着自己去完成。 自己总是喜欢把自己当作 超 人 ,无所不能。 看着自己的记事本每一页都是满满的,痴心妄想所有的耕耘都会有收获, 但是到最后,自己付出了劳力跟得到的结果有成正比吗? 不见得。 是时候检讨一下自己的 “绥靖政策” 了。 小心 过劳死 啊。 Ahah, just read this article about Libras, it's really true! Click to enlarge, please. 无论如何,我可是有很吸引人的甜美微笑哦……、