
Showing posts from January, 2012

Kehidupan Kamu

过年蛮无聊的。 Suddenly I feel the urge to play the piano again. 3 years of hiatus is kinda long, I guess. A skill is always a skill, and should be polished often. And anyway I'm finally into a serious relationship. May it last, and even if it doesn't, it looks like it's gonna the best times of my short 20 years stint of my existence.


I just reached home. Saw my grandmother, or 姥姥 as we call back in China. 她瘦了。 And she is seriously starting to forget things. I'm worried. And I'm scared. Because she is the most awesome grandmother around and I don't want her to forget us. Please.


总是很怀念以前的日子。 心目中的 “以前” 范畴其实很大,几乎可以从自己刚踏进星洲第一天算起吧。 还记得小学的时候学校经常唱这首歌,当时还很blur的我们就just唱而已 现在的流行曲听多了,这些“老歌”却成了大家都想追溯的回忆。 那个时代可是多么淳朴,多么友善。 邻居经常来串门,楼下杂货店黑黑的却什么都有, 游乐场还铺着沙,电梯只service一楼六楼十一楼…… 放学时一起在巴士站嬉闹,有时还骂人, 吵来吵去翻脸不认人,明天却又一起搭车。 以前的老校长喜欢看鸟,有一次飞进来了一只黄鹂鸟,他还亲自跑来教室用网抓鸟。 还有以前的老师,循循善诱,不管学生多浑蛋照样有教无类。 现在经常到处趴趴走,好像只有越穷的地方才会这样。 我们的进步,算不算做一种退步呢…… 现在经常会想到自己以前所忽略的种种,有些甚至让人潸然泪下, 但是一切都已成过往云烟,抓不住了。


Yeah. I'm sick. Sore throat progressed into really sick phlegm with a slight fever. But I'm a workaholic and there are still many things to do. Just do lor. Bopian.

dua hari

Left toe, Right toe, Pick up the Tempo! [Sunday 11.30am] That's right. It's a start of the new year. And a new round of craziness. New plans ahead in work, it's gonna get so busy, and most probably that's why they needed someone like me to extend my service. Next up we have Chingay. It's really getting tiring and on our nerves at times...! Stay focused, and stay chilled! And I have to go out less often, and save more money!  [Tuesday 1.39am] Was supposed to write a new blogspot. Then I saw those happy stuff I wrote on top. Just continue lor. 我不明白自己对身边事物的 “忍让” 是不是已经到了非常让人喷饭的地步。 有时候我必须承认我好像是个 劳碌命 。 身边总是有一大堆 commitments 等着自己去完成。 自己总是喜欢把自己当作 超 人 ,无所不能。 看着自己的记事本每一页都是满满的,痴心妄想所有的耕耘都会有收获, 但是到最后,自己付出了劳力跟得到的结果有成正比吗? 不见得。 是时候检讨一下自己的 “绥靖政策” 了。 小心 过劳死 啊。 Ahah, just read this article about Libras, it's really true! Click to enlarge, please. 无论如何,我可是有很吸引人的甜美微笑哦……、


Sometimes I really wonder if they are spams...


有一美女下夜班,被一好色男子尾隨跟蹤。 美女很害怕,此時正好路過一片墳地,好色男子正要下手,美女走到一座墳墓前,說: 「爸爸,開門吧!我回來了。」 嚇得好色男子,狂奔而去。 美女為自己的聰明,得意地樂了起來。 哪知笑聲未落,從墳墓裡,傳出一個陰森森的聲音說: 「女兒,你怎麼又忘記帶鑰匙了呢?」 嚇得美女尖叫著跑了。 這時一個盜墓者,從墳墓裡爬了出來,說: 「影響我工作,嚇死你。」 突然,盜墓者發現, 墓碑前有一老翁,手拿鑿子在刻墓碑。 他就好奇地問「你在幹嗎?」 老翁生氣地說道: 「這些不肖子孫,把我的墓碑都刻錯了,只好自己來改啦。」 盜墓者一聽,嚇得撒腿就跑了。 看著盜墓者的背影,老翁冷道:「跟老子搶生意,嚇死你。」 一不小心,鑿子掉地上了,老翁正要彎腰去拾,卻見從草叢中, 伸出一隻手,同時還有個冷冰冰聲音: 「誰啊?敢亂改我家的門牌號碼。」 嚇得老翁連滾帶爬地跑了。 這時,一個拾荒者, 從草叢中爬出來, 撿起地上的鑿子, 感嘆道:「這年頭,撿塊爛鐵,還得這麼費神........。」 哈哈哈哈 有没有很好笑 LOLLL


又是新的一年了…… 明年复明年,明年何其多啊…… One month ago I started on this "project" of listening through all the albums I've bought through the years and listening to them again, one by one. The difference between downloading a song and buying an album is the DELETE button. You can download and delete songs as and when you like it, but I don't think you would throw away that $20 album you have..... right? So I was listening to this Valentine's Day Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (做么名字酱长的) and there are many songs that are soothing and peaceful. Sometimes there are albums which contains what I call "stupid songs", or songs that's just outright dumb and would bring Justin Bieber to shame if you blast it on the bus like how old aunties blast 我问天 . But this is different. Every song seems to be a story. This is one of the most 值得 album I've bought. Anyway I spent my Christmas on Batam and New Year on Sentosa. Nothing really much to ...