
Showing posts from December, 2009

sangat penat

They are building the Metro here too. You see the character 门 appearing very often in the middle of the map right. 门 means gate, and Xi’an City is surrounded by the city wall what. I pass the 安远门 everyday into the city. Ayumi got this song called GREEN this year. Damn nice. Of course I prefer M lah, but this MV also very nice. Got the Old Shanghai Feel. =) 光り輝いて凛とした樹々達が 身を隠すように色を消して行く 希望へ繋がる何もかもを遠ざけて 温もりを怖がる私の様に あの人の笑顔がもう 眩しくて優しすぎて 弱さ見せてしまいそうで 泣き出してしまいそうで 触れた指の先から 想いが溢れ出しそうに なったあの瞬間から この恋に気付きました どうして人間は心のままに従い 歩いて行くのが難しいのだろう 本当はきっとずっと 解ってたはずなのにね 現実に目を背けてた 真実を否定してた 見つめるその先には 愛しきあの人の姿 風が変わる頃には この想い伝えようか 触れた指の先から 想いが溢れ出しそうに なったあの瞬間から この恋に気付きました 見つめるその先には 愛しきあの人の姿 風が変わる頃には この想い伝えようか 再び芽吹いた樹々達が色付いたら 今より素直な笑顔見せたい

Love don’t cost a thing

A minister allegedly gave his wife a costly car as a birthday present. The car, so goes the allegation, was sponsored by a company that gained tenders for the ministry’s projects. Both the minister and wife denied any wrongdoing, claiming that the car was theirs. This allegation in some ways indeed reminds one of Jennifer Lopez’s old hit.

Penat Satisfaction

First time shop for things for myself in my entire life. OMG didn’t know it can be so tiring. Kinda worth it though. All guys somemore. Haha. And 有些事情有就有,没有就没有,连我都不着急,你着急个屁?


Did a lot of things these few days. Firstly, sorry Jingxi the pet spider died of thirst and hunger . I shall post his 遗照 here: Damn big right. Sorry lah cannot find enough food and water for him. Thank goodness he survived a week already. Today is my moving-house day. And he died. Never mind I buried him under my bed in the boarding school before I left. Hope it doesn’t freak the aunties or that-guy-who-is-still-left-in-the-room out! Went to Queenstown on Tuesday after my China paper. By the way China paper was a breeze. Answering essay questions like 改革开放改善了中国人民的生活素质. Discuss. 计划生育将阻碍中国经济的持续发展. Discuss. 腐败问题将威胁中国共产党的统治. Discuss. 中国当前贫富差距的主要问题是富人太富,穷人太穷. Discuss. 中国的崛起在多大程度上是对美国的有效制约?Discuss. is way too simple. I can easily crap a 4 foolscap paper long essay in less than an hour. And yes our dear government refused to let us use 稿纸 even though this is a Chinese paper. So you can expect how small and cramped the Chinese characters are written. But yeah overall, I qui...