
Showing posts from January, 2017


If there is one thing that I need to improve that will be my ability to not give in to pressures. Well it's nice trying to be friends with everyone but you know it's impossible, so why bother? And the same time when it comes to difficult things (like essays for example, I am dying now at 5am and taking a nap first) I tend to give up easily. I guess that's how I left architecture because I wasn't firm enough in whatever I believed in. Okay whatever. I'm gonna take a short nap till 7am and continue work from there. Good night. 向來緣淺,奈何情深, 既然琴瑟起,何以笙簫默?


那是種驕傲陽光的灑脫 白雲從我腳下掠過 乾枯的身影憔悴的面容 揮著翅膀不再回頭 縱然帶著永遠的傷口 至少我還擁有自由 Originally wanted to write some reflections and thoughts on whatever I went through in 2016 after all those 激情 during countdown just now, but then decided against it during shower. What's the point of spreading all those negativities in life? 還是惦惦自己回去當個爛好人、工具人較爲實際, 新年快樂。