
Showing posts from December, 2016

1 TH

Tell me is it really gonna storm again? Will the skies turn dark, will the rain begin? 时间并没有抚平一切的能力,它只是将你轻巧地揉捏,使你渐渐相信,有些事真的只是年少轻狂,与爱恨无关。也使你恍然大悟,那些年所付出的努力,只是对未知世界的乞求和排解寂寞的方式,而不是拼了命去实现的梦想。


其一: 其二: To whoever assumed that I have been blocking people: I don't block people, so if you can't manage to find me, you really need to try harder. I don't see why the whole world can find me except you. Get out of your own bubble. And I hope you're not whoever you call yourself to be or else I would be really disappointed.