
Showing posts from May, 2013

lima sifar tiga.

Holidays are for gaining further knowledge.  Holidays are for staying home. Holidays are for meeting people.  Holidays are for staying home. Holidays are for travelling. Holidays are for staying home. Holidays are for keeping shape. Holidays are for staying home. Walau eh. 大家都爱看电影,殊不知底片其实是一张一张的。放映时, 一秒钟底片转换二十四次, 我们只看到连续相,我们肉眼又如何有能力有识别每一张呢? 世间事物其实都是这样让我们无从察觉它的存在。

Ini kali lah, setiap kali lah.

[Hah actually I wrote this on 4 May night but was lazy to edit and post this, and now that the election results are released I guess I shouldn't keep this in my closet anyway.] [5 May, 1am] Went to watch an election rally (ceramah, they call it there) in Kulai, Johor on Saturday night. 心里其实已经酝酿了很久,想看看彼岸的人民究竟对于政局有何看法,对于未来又有什么样的期待。这种东西当然报纸也会写,但是内容真实性似乎永远只能给50%。某些报纸甚至不报真,只报假的…… 我们差不多晚上八点半到古来。古来据说华人很多,尤其是客家人,这次行动党 (not PAP ah) 派了一位超厉害的张念群,作风犀利,精通三语,让家人上台助选(打亲情牌),向老公示爱(打家庭牌),向选民呼吁不要移民新加坡(打爱国牌),还抨击马华候选人不敢跟她展开辩论,当然虏获了大家的心咯! Actually, 古来才多大,辩论要辨什么,有用咩?你爱不爱你家人,又关我什么事? 重点是大家似乎已经赌懒国阵很久了,只要是骂政府的,老百姓听起来都爽…… 这场ceramah观众差不多90%都是华人。我们最担心的问题当然就是如果华裔都投民联,巫裔都投国阵,国阵胜选后是不是真的变成巫裔在朝,华裔在野呢?更糟糕的,如果选后出现暴动,党派间的冲突是否马上会变成另一个种族冲突? 回来的路上,在新山市区黄亚福街 Jalan Wong Ah Fook,成群的飙车族 Mat Rempit 驾着贴满国阵党旗的摩托车在路上奔驰,呼喊口号。换作是新加坡,这些siao的应该会被拉去关几天吧,你妈妈还希望法官可以判几鞭威慑一下。 But why would these samseng kia support BN? Solely because of money paid for their support during this election period? I rememb...