
Haha title speaks my feeling.

Anyway today is another Malaysia day. For the first time, I detested being a Singaporean. Why?! Because Singapore is 9-letters long. And the entry card must write the word “SINGAPORE” at least 5 times. SIANS. Why must our country have such a long name? Why not USA or China with less alphabets? Then we can have higher efficiency.

Bought many things. Really many things. FUN. FUN. FUN. Life is good.

Saya tak boleh curi makanan dari fridge le lah. Tak baik. Tapi saya sudah curi banyak makanan these few days. Seperti bakwa, air, susu, anggur, coklat, biskut dan lain-lain. Saya orang jahat huh. Haha cukup le lah.
Now I enjoy being alone. Can settle down and do my own things. No need to feel obliged to mingle with people or feel jealous about anything.

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