Laxing. Bukan laxative.

Enjoying my life yesterday! Ponned a few lessons. Then went shopping for groceries. Then did some mugging. Then went makaning with BRA and Fang. At night, talk cock sing song study China. Damn happy. This is what life should be like lor. Not mug mug mug and attend boring Steven Lee lectures everyday.

Laxing…. Enjoy life. Momma and adik shall leave Singapore this Sunday. Freedom? 不尽然. Many admin stuff for me to settle. I shall see how lor.

Went to Kallang to support JKE today. Not really thrash lah. They did their best lor. At least better than our CCA. I really wonder how we are going to settle next week. Sigh. Anyways, I love hostel life lah.

I love my friends too! =)

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