Angin Sejuk

Tonight is a fun night. I can’t explain why. Didn’t really do anything much, just a bunch of people watching some funny videos by namewee and celebrated this Derek (dun noe how to spell) guy’s birthday. But felt much better than the first two days when I came. Maybe it is a change in mindset? Or maybe it was just that I so suey last week lah.

Suddenly back in my room after bathing and sorting things, I felt quite cold. In front of people, when I show them my past photos and stuff, I appear very happy and elated. But actually I really miss them. Yeah, I have been repeating these crap for the last 4 posts or so, but there are many things in my heart that I cannot let go. Maybe I need more time. In the deep night, the wind is cold, the computer plays emo songs from Chihiro Onitsuka, and an overwhelming sense of loneliness appear out of nowhere into me.

I wonder what is going wrong. I hate it when I am alone and bored. And yet I wanna be left alone now. My life is simply too happening. It is filled with thrill, punishments, misdeeds and yet joy. All these are DAMN HAPPENING lor. Maybe all these transition is too quick for me to absorb. It is already a year in JC and there are so many things I can’t get over with.

How I wish time can flow backwards. Then I can repeat everything I have done and stop living in my memories. Man walk forwards. But this old man here seems to enjoy the past. 「Gostan」 is his terminology. Not withstood with his generation.

Shall go to JB tomorrow. Send letters and buy more snacks. May be my last trip ever. Namewee recently made this song, dedicated to the beautiful city of Johor Bahru. Now you may wonder if this city is INDEED beautiful or NOT, but sometimes it is the “inner beauty” that we look at, isn’t it? Some people may have good looks yet be a bimbo and bitch around. Some may not look that good but are kind hearted and isn’t mean to his/her friends. It is just a matter of choice of what kind of person you choose, and what kind of person you wanna befriend.

Anyway, enjoy namewee’s new video:

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