
Took a taxi back to hostel just now. The taxi driver is an old man, probably in his 60s. He complains about his “oily” liver and his encounters in the hospitals and clinic.

Doctor: “Sir, you need to come back for a check-up some other time, because our studies have shown that you have accumulation of fats on the liver. You must be aware of you eat.”

Uncle: “Need to pay extra for appointments or not?”

Doctor: ”Of course lah. may have to do some additional checkups too.”

Uncle: “Can this liver be cured?”

Doctor: “Erm… Current technology says no.”

Uncle: “Walau eh kanasai X$^CV@!*^!@! If no cure then come see you for what?! Still must pay money for useless stuff… BYEBYE LAH!”

He very emo lor. Maybe he seen too much things happening around. And he started complaining how weak our children are nowadays. “Last time step on rusty nail ah, just tap tap the leg and let blood flow out can liao la! Or else put Shiitake Mushroom at the wound and tie bandage! Now the children ah, walau eh pain little bit then cry father cry mother, go take don’t know what Tetanus thingy…. Where got life so good one…."

Well I cannot possibly agree with that, but he’s got a point there.

I just happen to be mugging that little bit just now. Then got quite sick of it. So happen to come across this random song called 春天的吶喊 by Mayday. It goes:
爽要吶喊 不爽更要喊
壓力要甩 憂鬱要推翻
爽要吶喊 用力的吶喊 喊到流汗
喊到沒遺憾 一生能有幾次 跟世界宣戰
Fits my feeling now man. Too bad you can’t scream around in the hostel lah. Will be murdered by the curly-hair on the 5th Floor. Got scolding from her thrice in two weeks already. What bad karma I must be having. Sighs.

Anyway Tampines is damn far from hostel. I need to derive a route to make me go back in time. And I love camwhoring! Haha sounds wrong, but me, Calvin and Norman were camwhoring random targets, ranging from Laura to Faris to my dear roommate and his gang. Too bad we missed Nombor Tujuh Belas. She ran away before we could approach her. What a pity. She just missed a chance of taking pictures with three hot hunks…

Whatever. Shall sleep early tonight. Or else tomorrow kena rogol by Mr Low again. He recently always niao me one lor. Oh gosh it’s 12.19am! DIE. DIE. DIE.

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