
Showing posts from July, 2018

Illeism, a stylistic device

Suddenly some late night musing after drinking a jar of beer at the hawkers. As you might know, I am someone who acts on emotions, not really by rationality. I guess your O Level Biology is right— alcohol is a depressant . Before I begin on this short and impromptu post, I must say, I am not reminiscing my university days. I can’t wait to leave this place in the past 6 months and am glad to do so. So don’t bother asking the next time you see me. These six years has made me a stronger person, much stronger than I thought I would have been in 2012. I don’t think many would have been through the same kind of nonsense that I did these six years. Well of course, 家家都有难念的经, it is not fair to compare circumstances (because I truly believe that God is fair and omnipotent), but if you were in my shoes, you probably would want to get out of that pair of shoes and go FML. Maintaining social expectations wasn’t easy. Pursuing economically impracticable interests wasn’t easy. Making ends meet wasn’t...


Back from Moscow. I MISS HOME SO MUCH! I don’t see why people like to say “I don’t wanna go home!”? Tak nak balik, tukar pasport lah. LOL. Russia has always been a mysterious place simply because IT IS SO FAR AWAY and so little-known. I mean, what do we know about Russia? 1. Largest country by area. 2. Used to be communist. 3. The President is called Putin. 4. Don’t like America. I think that’s about it. Before coming here I don’t know a single Russian football player at all. Anyway this trip adds the Russian Federation to my list of travelled countries. I thought I was pretty well-travelled—maybe not, I have a lot of space to cover. This trip took place because I won a lucky draw by Maybank and VISA . Maybe I spent too much on their card? I don’t know. But apparently VISA is my sugar daddy during this trip—everything was taken care of. First they gave us free US$225 for no reason. Then a lunch card worth 4500 rubles for no reason. Then free Metro card. Thre...


By right this post wasn’t supposed to be here but I’ve decided that since I am at the airport and slightly drunk I should write something about an issue which erupted yesterday. 最近发生了一件大事——(当然不太方便说是什么啦,但是影响蛮多人的),但是这则post重点反正也不是来讨论我的看法,after all the university has its rules,它讲什么你就follow咯,做学生的静静就好嘛。 我要说的是,我对于该事件获得大量同侪的支持感到欣慰。我一直相信 待人以诚 ,今日能够得到这么多正面的回响,我真的很感动。 有些时候人就是得往前看,毕竟是你的终究是你的,不是你的强求来也没有什么懒叫用。面对 unfavourable outcome 的时候能得到众人的鼓励(甚至义愤填膺的声音)真的令人振奋,尽管我们自己心知肚明,知道自己终究斗不过公权力。 But it does proves how much I mattered to my friends and peers, that I was a positive-enough agent of influence to them and that I was someone who was looked up to. 就算到最后自己的诉求以失败告终(机会很高吧),至少我有你们,足矣。

Sincerity. Selflessness. Solidarity

What does this three words mean to you at all? When the S House IC asked me what S could have stood for, I came up with these three words because it was like “duh” words people use when they praise each other (now you know that when people end off their letters with “Yours sincerely” 全都骗人的啦谁要跟你 sincere,只是 sincerely 等你快点 reply 他罢了) Now in retrospect, after Arts Camp 2018 has ended, I returned to these three words on the SINCERITY: freedom from deceit, hypocrisy, or duplicity; probity in intention or in communicating; earnestness. SELFLESSNESS: having little or no concern for oneself, especially with regard to fame, position, money, etc.; unselfish. SOLIDARITY: union or fellowship arising from common responsibilities and interests, as between members of a group or between classes, peoples, etc. community of feelings, purposes, etc. community of responsibilities and interests. ___________________________ There were two Orientation Camps that made a great...