murah gila!
要疯掉了~~~~~ 真的~~~~~ Archi sibeh 累人的 wor~~~~~ Life's good so far, 3 weeks of drawing nonsense and I am still standing, and thank you babe, you've let me found new meaning in whatever I'm doing. Really. It's 6.45am now, I didn't wake up before that. I didn't sleep before that either. Archi is like another NS, just that I'm not paid, and there is so MUCH MORE to do. Give me a choice, I would prefer Army as the easy way out. Too late for any regrets, it's time to tengok hadapan lagi. Anyway, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri friends. Religion aside, Ramadan is a period to shun away from temptations and do good. Mohon Maaf Zahir Dan Batin. Really, right from my heart. Sekian, terima kasih. Yang ikhlas, Yangs.